Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Charles Dowd, google, kickstarter, Lilith Dark, The Beastie Tree
Kids Comics Go Dark… Lilith Dark!
Nick Moore writes for Bleeding Cool:
I first met comics creator Charles Dowd on Google+ after he invited me to moderate his Comic Book Community which has fast become the biggest on the service. Turned out he didn't just like reading and talking about comics but he made them as well, and a very special one at that.
Lilith Dark is a fantasy adventure story aimed at children and adults aged 10 and up. Currently it's a popular webcomic but with a little help from Kickstarter, the graphic novel 'Lilith Dark and the Beastie Tree' will hit the printed page too.
As well as being a great read, there's something vitally important about supporting a book like this. Comics, despite what some people might think, aren't just for 40 year old adults. It's hugely important to get kids into comics, they are the future of the industry and hobby we love and deserve great books to read, and Lilith Dark is one of those very books.
Great art, fun stories, characters kids can relate to are what makes Lilith and her adventures a great read for all ages. We should all take time to sit and read with our kids, and as comics fans we have even less excuses given the wealth of stories we have sitting in cherished long boxes. However some of those tales can be a little too complex for fans just starting out, try explaining Crisis on Infinite Earths, or Age of Ultron to a young kid, and you'll find yourself as lost as they are pretty quickly.
Lilith Dark is the answer to getting your kids into comics, so one day they'll be skipping along to a local store with you to indulge in something magical you both share.
So don't delay, get backing Lilith Dark and the Beastie Tree today!