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Marvel Offers 11 Retailer-Exclusive Covers In January 2019 – But Will Anyone Bother?
Marvel Comics are offering a still-whopping eleven exclusive covers to retailers in January 2019, following on from twelve in December.
Every month, Marvel offers retailers the chance to commission exclusive covers for certain titles — as long as they order thousands of copies. It's an effective, if expensive way for both parties to a) get some promotion and create collectables for the market, and b) up their orders. Begun by Dreamwave back in the day, it was popularised by IDW and now Marvel Comics does it more than anyone else with anywhere between usually five and 10 titles a month. It's just they now seem to be upping that a little.
But more often than not, of late, many don't get taken up by the retailers. From October's offerings of twelve, I can find only one retailer getting variants for Spider-Geddon #1, but none for any of the eleven others. KRS Comics with this Philip Tan homage.
Is this really a more effective way to do business than DC Comics' one variant every month or two?
Anyway, here are the twelve for January 2019… Someone must do Conan, right? Must do…
- GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #1 (Order by 11/30)
- CHAMPIONS #1 (Order by 11/16)
- CONAN THE BARBARIAN #1 (Order by 11/16)
- MAN WITHOUT FEAR #1 (Order by 11/16)
- CAPTAIN MARVEL #1 (Order by 11/23)
- WEB OF VENOM: VENOM UNLEASHED #1 (Order by 11/23)
- BLACK WIDOW #1 (Order by 11/30)
- INVADERS #1 (Order by 11/30)
- MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS #1 (Order by 11/30)
- AGE OF X-MAN ALPHA #1 (Order by 12/21)