SCOOP: Superman: The World with Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks, is a 2025 sequel to DC Comics' Batman: The World from 2021
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Would You Like to Know What Marvel's X-Classified is Actually Called?
Bleeding Cool has been running a number of stories, wondering just what Marvel Comics has planned for this most mysterious of projects under wraps, X-Classified.
The other Classified titles for Cloak and Dagger, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage appear to be digital-first titles. The Wolverine Classified title is the Return of Wolverine.
But X-Classified? It's a major departure.
Bleeding Cool has learned that the comic shipping in July from Marvel is in fact called Mr & Mrs X.
Like, Mr & Mrs Smith. But… X.
Might suggest it sounds a little like Kitty and Colossus? That's just speculation, of course. The title is real.
Oh, and J. Scott Campbell may be doing covers for it after all.
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