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Marvel To Introduce A Hell Hulk In May 2025
Marvel to introduce a Hell Hulk in May 2025 from Benjamin Percy and Raffaele Ienco in the ongoing Hellverine #6.
We've got an Indiana Jones Red Hulk in the movies, time for a Hell Hulk in the comics. Is a Hulkverse on the way?
Variant Cover by CHRIS CAMPANA
Design Variant Cover by RAFFAELE IENCO
HELL HULK SMASH! Wolverine's son Akihiro was recently resurrected, blazing a new trail through the darkest corners of the Marvel Universe as HELLVERINE. Now, a new demon emerges that will require every ounce of Akihiro's new power to take down! It's a hellish take on one of comic books' most bitter rivalries as HELLVERINE is the only one standing in the way of HELL HULK's violent rampage! On Sale 5/14
"What happens when you mix unbridled rage and demonic hellfire? Superstar writer Benjamin Percy and acclaimed artist Raffaele Ienco dare to find out this May in HELLVERINE #6 with the debut of HELL HULK!
"Teasing the secrets behind the new character, Percy said, "Project Hellfire is a shadow program dedicated to studying and developing the science and technology of Hell. Their labs—located deep beneath the Pentagon, in a facility known as the Pentangle—have discovered something worrisome. All around the globe, in isolated pockets, people are being driven to murderous rage, a threat to themselves and others. An investigation reveals a common factor unites these cases: the presence of the HELL HULK, a monster who gives off infectious waves of infernal power. A larger pattern is being uncovered, and only Hellverine can unpuzzle its meaning and put a stop to a demonic conspiracy that threatens the world."
"Having written Wolverine and Wolverine-related titles for over five years, Percy is the modern master of the best there is. His transformative work on Akihiro in the pages of HELLVERINE promise to redefine the character and his role in the X-Men franchise moving forward, and HELL HULK is the latest in a string of breakout characters Percy has added to the Wolverine family's legendary rogues gallery.
"It's been so much fun to build up new mythologies for the Marvel Universe in HELLVERINE," Percy said. "There's a world beneath this one, with laboratories and monuments and missions and personalities of its own, and readers are learning about all of this alongside Akihiro. We gave you the fiery mashup of Ghost Rider and Wolverine that is Hellverine. Now we're bringing some more toys to play with in this hot sandbox, including the Hell Hulk, who has (no surprise) a BIG story to accompany his smashing debut." HELL HULK's imposing look comes courtesy of series artist Raffaele Ienco, whose design sheet will also be available as a special variant cover. "Raffaele Ienco has been killing it on this ongoing—bringing the horror and thrills and emotions to the page—and I can't wait for everyone to see the nightmarish art he's drawing for this next exciting chapter," Percy added.
With covers by Kendrick "Kunkka" Lim, Chris Campana, and Ienco's Hell Hulk design.