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Mindless Speculation: Did Marvel Comics Pulp X-Men Gold #2?
When the hidden Islamist messages in X-Men: Gold #1 were discovered, placed there by artist Ardian Syaf, Marvel did not recall the comic book. Instead they promised that the art would be amended in future printings and the digital versions would also be amended. And that Ardian Syaf would be fired off the book after the completed #3 and another artist would take over the uncompleted #4.
But there are a few little wrinkles in the story. One, that the digital files took one week to amend what would have been basic changes. That #2 was delayed a week. That even though second prints for X-Men Blue #1 and X-Men Gold #1 were announced at the same time, Blue's first print coming out a week after Gold, Gold's second print is delayed a further week, coming out a week after Gold.
Other publishers suggest that Marvel may have found other messages in X-Men Gold #2 and have pulped the print run, and are rushing a reprint, hence the delay. And the delay of the second print is because some publishers print the guts of comics' first prints and expected second prints at the same time, only replacing the cover and/or the pages with the indicia to save them time and money. But this time a lot more had to be junked.
Either way, if there are going to be any sent-for-pulping X-Men Gold #2s it will be hard to identify them. But it won't stop some from trying…