Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, Comics, dc, rob liefeld, scott snyder
Now It's Rob Liefeld Vs Scott Snyder – "Get Over Yourself You Pretentious Prick"
Earlier today, out of the blue, Rob Liefeld tweeted
It's not you. It never has been. It's Batman.
With no idea what that referred to. Seems like it was a tweet intended to be a Direct Message to Scott Snyder, as part of a discussion between the two, which Rob then decided to take public.
From Scott Snyder – I can assure you batman doesn't sell the way it does because it's Batman. It sells that way because of me and Greg.
Get over yourself you pretentious prick
@Ssnyder1835Been berated in DM's by
@Ssnyder1835 this morning. Excuse me if I don't marvel at your amazing abilities to write Batman. Piss off.I'd like to think that if your going to wave your ego around on Batman you'd remember all that came before you. Holeee crap
Average Batman book sells 80k. 'Nuff said.
Scott then jumped in publicly, tweeting;
Scott: Nice! Your Twitter feeds the best thing you've written all year :-)
Rob: Of course, because its not edited
Scott: Aw, I'll give you credit Rob! :) Batman might sell inspite of me and
@GregCapullo as u say, but deathstroke & Hawkman failed because of you!Credit where it's due, brother :-) and that's all I'll say on that. Ah, comics.
Rob: my sales went up on those books
@Ssnyder1835 sorry bud.Scott: Lol. And you can put that in your pouch and keep it for later :-)
Rob: one word, HAUNT. 2 words SWAMP THING – not all creations equal
Batman is the number one selling character in the history of the biz. Period. End of story. Will endure beyond creator careers
Rob then posted two photographs from his private discussions with Scott Snyder. And seemed to show he has a bit of a cracked screen too.
Scott: Lol! my good buddy Rob posted our conversation. I think it says all there is to say about the matter. No? :-)
And… back to our regularly scheduled programming: I'll echo what my brother
@GregCapullo said before. All of us on team Batman are extremely proud of the success, and that success is due to your support. But as the team on the book, if we didn't believe that your incredible & humbling support was due at least a little to us doing a somewhat decent job -if we sat back and said – batman sells batman- what sort of book would that engender? We HAVE to think the sales are because you guys like what we're doing on the book. It fuels us to continue to do stories that matter to us, knowing that you're telling us you like what we're giving you, on a character that means everything to us both. that's it. I will not fight or post another negative tweet about Rob or anyone. And, I want to say sorry to you all and no one else -to you, the fans of comics, not just me or Rob- for bothering with this. It's a waste and we should be pushing the good not attacking each other. And I'm guilty of that too. So I'm sorry to you for going negative. Thx to those of you who reminded me of that.