Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, batman 93, bruce wayne, trump
Official: Bruce Wayne is a Tax Cheat (Batman #93 Spoilers)
We told you this was coming, But there's something about having it in black and white. Also beige-greeny-blue. Bruce Wayne, otherwise known as the Batman is a massive tax cheat. A fraudster. Hiding his billions and billions offshore through a variety of shell companies. With Catwoman, the biggest thief of her time, and Batman's lover, working it all out, and showing it off to The Designer, who had previously set Selina Kyle up for just this opportunity as part of his game plan to take Gotham, now being taken over by the Joker as a pre-empt to The Joker War. he paperwork gets shown off in today's Batman #93.
Now, of course, Catwoman knows that Bruce Wayne is the Batman and he is using all that money to fight crime in Gotham, a city so corrupt it couldn't get spent in any other way – and the fewer the taxes, the more good he could do as Batman beat up up the clown-covered criminals. As justification for being a tax cheat, well, it sounds like every billionaire, just that Batman has a Batboat instead of a yacht, and a series of young wards instead of, well, we really shouldn't go there.
As Selina puts it, no one wants others to know how they spend their money. After all, Bruce Wayne can't just give Batman a cheque – but hang on, isn't that just what he did in Batman Incorporated? Is there any chance that the Batman operation itself works like a tax write-off? But it's not just Batman… he has an entire building operation to fund.
He totally voted for Trump, didn't he? Billionaires who hide how much tax they pay do love each other. Although with Batman #93, it's possible that everything may change in that regard…
(W) James Tynion IV (A) Guillem March (CA) Tony S. Daniel
And it's more than Punchline punching and Harley Quinn pounding back! Batman faces off with the Designer as 'Their Dark Designs' reaches its epic climax! Batman faces off with the Designer as "Their Dark Designs" reaches its epic climax! In the last year, Batman has lost more than he could have imagined, and now he faces a cost so dear it will change the course of his life. And there is worse on the horizon. In the midst of all the horror, he can feel the drumbeat of battle. "Joker War" is coming, and Gotham City will never be the same. SRP: $3.99