Comics Archives

Getting a four day pass for the New York Comic Con will set you back $85. As well as  saving $30 on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday day rates, you'll also
Swipe File: Francesco Vs Jimiyo
A six year old HP Lovecraft piece by Francesco Francavilla, above. A new HP Lovecraft T-shirt design, available on TeeFury today only by Texan artist
Sergio Bonelli Passes, Aged 78
Creator of popular Italian comics Zagor, River Bill and Mister No, Sergio Bonelli died earlier today. Son of Tex creator Gian Luigi Bonelli,  Sergio often
Friday Trending Topics: Must-See DC
Well, then.  We're now just days away from the completion of New 52 launch month.  There have been sell-outs, controversies, mysteries, and
Dancing With The Starfires
Earlier today, in the wake of discussion of the behaviour and actions of the character Starfire in Red Hood And The Outlaws, colourist Blond (who collared