Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Anathema, kickstarter
Kickstarter Up The Ass – Anathema, Hey-Zeus, The Bean And Pinups Vs Creatures
Welcome to a semi-regular round up of some of the more interesting comic book projects on the social networking fundraising site, Kickstarter. We'll be happy to promote projects that haven't yet reached their funding goals – and maybe even help them on the way a little. Do let us know, in the comments, if you've agreed to fund one or more of them.
Title: Hey-Zeus
Creator: Stephen Lapin
Funding for: A colourist
Fund details: $480 of $3000 with 16 days to go.
Best reward: $25 – the printed issue, and a sketch.
Pitch: Hey-Zeus is the story of Murdock Simonson, a down-on-his-luck columnist is being threatened by a leg breaker hired by the top crime lord to squeeze out the money that Murdock borrowed from them. However, before Murdock receives any serious injuries from his aggressor, his life is saved by a small albino child who runs in and takes a bullet for him. Although the child first appears to be dead, Murdock's young hero comes back to life in a matter of minutes with an out-of-this-world light show that rejuvenates the boy. Instead of being scared, Murdock's interest is piqued, and he attempts to find out more about his savior. The gawky writer soon learns that the lad's name is Hey-Zeus – that's "Hey" for "Hello" and "Zeus" like the Greek god. Hey-Zeus then persuades Murdock in fighting the world's tribulations through pacifism while renewing a his faith in the divine. The first issue is a 31 pages with a letters page. The whole book is illustrated and written by me.
Title: Anathema
Creators: Rachel Deering (of Womanthology), Alan Quah and Jorge Maese
Funding for: Remaining artwork and publication
Fund details: $3,642 of $6000
Best reward: $45 – A signed copy of the book mailed to your door, your name in the acknowledgements section, a limited edition poster of the cover art by Jorge Maese, and an Anathema t-shirt!
Pitch: "Anathema" is a horror comic in the tradition of Warren Publishing magazines like Creepy and Eerie, and Hammer Horror Films. I sought to rekindle the excitement and authentic atmosphere of classic horror media from a yesteryear through my writing and the art of Alan Quah and Jorge Maese. This project is one of pure passion for my entire creative team. We yearn to bring the world back to a time when monsters stalked the night and danger lurked in every shadow!
The story focuses on a huntress named Mercy Barlowe, who falls in love with the daughter of a local reverend. When the romantic nature of their relationship is discovered, the reverend cries heresy and vows to see both women tried as witches. Mercy escapes, but the reverend's daughter is sentenced to burn. The agony and torment of the burning lures wicked creatures from the darkness, who attack the village and steal the souls of the dying women. Mercy vows to track the evil beings to the ends of the earth and vanquish them to reclaim her lover's soul, even if it means taking on dark powers of her own.
Anathema is a limited series which, when completed, should come out to between 250-300 pages. I will release the story in individual twenty four page issues until the tale has been told. Those of you who have taken to math learnin' know that this equates to roughly ten or eleven issues total.
Title: Pinups Vs Creatures NYCC Sketchbook 2011
Creators: Michael Sumislaski & Diana Greenhalgh
Funding for: Printing
Fund details: $346 of $2500 with 17 days to go,
Best reward: $75 – You'll receive 1 page of original art from the sketchbook, your name printed in a thank you dedication in the sketchbook, 1 full colour 11×17" signed print, 1 signed bookmark, the Classic Crusaders digital PDF comic, and the digital "Pledge Only" illustration by Diana!
Pitch: This project is full of firsts for us; not only is this Diana's first time at NYCC but its also her first trip to the east coast (ever) and my first to New York City. And not only is this my first sketchbook, and Diana's first sketchbook in over 2 years, and her first to have a sketch cover — but its also our first artistic collaboration since our engagement at Emerald City Comicon (March 2011). So its special to us and we really want to make it happen. But with less than 3 months to go, we can't afford to do it out of pocket and we're short on time – we really need your help.
With this project we intend to bring our very different styles together, and we want to produce something you'll all enjoy. The best of both of our worlds as comic book artists. Diana will be illustrating 16 pages of pinup girls, while I'll be creating 16 pages of awesome monsters and other creatures for you to feast your eyes on. This 32 page sketchbook is also going to sport a card stock cover that we can customize for anyone with an original sketch! With brand new art, we hope Pinups VS Creatures will serve to show what possibilities there are for us down the illustrated road together.
Title: The Bean Vol 1
Creator: Travis Hanson
Funding for: Printing of a compiled graphic novel.
Fund details: $3361 of $5000 with 47 days to go.
Best reward: $25 – 1 Full set of the issue comics (with illustrations in each book) 1copies of The Bean vol 1: Riddles and Shrooms. (Signed and sketched in)
Pitch: 8 issues and 304 pages later Bean was . It was then I realized that I needed to start compiling my story into something a little thicker than a 40 page b/w comic. The idea of compiling the first 4 issues into graphic novel was the way to go. I know you can read the whole story so far, here at but i also know that it works so much better in print.
I would love to fund it by myself, but as father of 5 fantastic kids, I find that money has been needed for other things. So I present my project to you to help me get this done plus share it with like minded people.
All the artwork is all but done. All I need to do is finish the cover art. The printer has been chosen and I want my work to be affordable to others, so I have worked really hard to keep the quotes low. I also want to make sure that Vol 1 was done right. So here are the specs. I will constantly post cover art and such here and at my website. I figure this project once funded will be completed in less than 2 months.
The Bean, vol 1 by Travis Hanson 172 pages (152 pages of story + extra art b/w) with a Full Color wrap-around cover. The printing cost for the first 2000 books with shipping is $5200 not including isbn fees and registration which after all is figured will hit about $6500 mark. All I will need is $5000 and I will be putting in $1500 of my own money to help make this work. It is important for me to support my project as well, it strengthens my commitment to it. PLUS I will cover all Shipping!