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Mike Mignola Vs Ethan Van Sciver – Gun Possibly Involved!
In a Facebook post that has spread elsewhere, Mike Mignola described his C2E2 experience.
Back from Chicago–A very nice show marred only by the big shot professional I had to sign next to all weekend–He brought a keyboard and a guy to play it–to sign songs about him while he signed–amazing (amazingly rude) but true. He was also apparently, auctioning off a hand gun.
Checking the floor plan of Artists Alley revealed it was going to be either of the DC artists Ethan Van Sciver or David Finch.
It was going to be Ethan, wasn't it? Or was it? Ethan has replied;
wish ANY of that was true! I did bring a keyboard, but hiring a guy to play it and sing about me is a stroke of genius that even I couldn't conceive of. Next time.
Chris Ward from WIZARD MAGAZINE came over and saw the keyboard, and with balls of steel, turned it on and started singing, "Ethan Van Sciver's line is sooo looonng, it really puts Peter Mayhew's line to shaaaame!" And I was laughing so hard that it took a few minutes to turn and see the look of disgust and hatred that the Mignolas were shooting me and my fans. They said, after Chris had sung those two lines, "Is he going to do that all day?" And I said, "Yes." And they said, "Can he wait until 4 PM?" And I said, "Is that when you're leaving?" (it was 3 pm.) They said, "Yes." And Chris stopped.
Moments later, I realized they'd left. And I sang a verse of "Convoy" and Limp Bizkit's "Rollin'" by fan request. Total "music" time? About 60 seconds. It made a lot of people happy. But not the Mignolas.
But how much did you get for the Glock, Ethan? And anyway, who'd win, Hellboy or Cyberfrog?