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Royal Wedding Day Runaround

Royal Wedding Day RunaroundCoverWatch: Was the cover to Uncanny X-Men 212 originally intended for Uncanny X-Men #200? Here's the original art…

RoyalWatch: The Birmingham Mail notices that one of the artist on the Royal Wedding Comic, Mike Collins, is a local lad, leading to a very nice and timely splash. The New York Mag also runs a page from Gary Erskine and w Nedw Zealand stations shows off the splash page while Americans are selling copies for $40...

StoreWatch: How a comic store was born.

While the popular stereotype lends itself more toward 'the Comic Book Guy' from The Simpsons — overweight, ponytailed and a comic book elitist — Gant is rather different. He is college-educated, relatively young at 41 and has been told he may be the only black comic book shop owner in the Midwest…

"I especially liked telling people to meet me at a bar," Gant said. "I would hand them the comics, they would hand me a check and then we'd hang out."

"My wife always said it definitely looked like a drug deal every time I did it," he added.

PitchWatch: Chris Yambar, Simpsons cartoonist and creator of Mr Beat wants to pitch comics to Marvel…

Royal Wedding Day RunaroundThis is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.

They say I am a work in progress. The fools.

the enclosed list of methods which can be used to keep women confined without the use of chains.

DC Comics letter to William Moulton Marston regarding the use of bondage as a plot device in Wonder Woman comics circa 1943

Transmetropolitan Art Book Spins Spider Jerusalem's Angry World | Underwire |

"The future that Spider inhabits in Transmetropolitan seems more likely every year," Robertson said in an e-mail chat with

comiXology Announces New Gifting Feature On Web Store | comiXology Blog

a new feature on its Web Store, empowering its customers to share their passion for comics with anyone, anywhere at the point of purchase by simply entering the recipient's email address.

Marvel Shows Now Available on Netflix! | Marvel Animated Features | Movie & TV News | News |

April 29th, you'll be able to instantly stream some of Marvel's most memorable content from Netflix in mere moments!

ICv2 – Mike Richardson & Matt Parkinson

That will be a discussion, but basically with the Apple product, they give us the prices. We don't have the freedom to choose our own prices. So all the product that is purchased through the Apple store will be consistent with the pricing of the other comics that are sold there.

DC Universe: The Source » Blog Archive » Exclusive debut: Grant Morrison's SUPERGODS cover

On July 19th, Spiegel & Grau will release Grant Morrison's SUPERGODS, his non-fiction history and exploration of the superhero archetype. I've read through an early version of the book and found it to be the page-turner that I expected it to be: an enlightening, in-depth journey through seven decades of costumed superheroes, from the big ones like Superman and Wonder Woman to the most obscure, forgotten caped vigilantes. Part history and part memoir, if you have any interest in what comics Grant found most inspirational in the formative years of his writing career, then you absolutely need to pick up this book.

Royal Wedding Day Runaround

Exclusive First Look: Captain America #1 | Captain America | Comic News | News |

Just in time for his big screen debut in "Captain America: The First Avenger" on July 22, Steve Rogers returns to his familiar role as the Star-Spangled Sentinel of Liberty in a new CAPTAIN AMERICA ongoing series by Ed Brubaker and Steve McNiven! Issue #1 doesn't hit until July 13, but we've got your very first look at McNiven's jaw-dropping pencils right here, as Cap springs into action against The Red Skull, Master Man and more!

Coolest Mashup Ever? 'The Batman Complex' Is All in Christian Bale's Mind – The Moviefone Blog

What do you get when you mash up two (or more) of Christopher Nolan's best films? The suggestion that Batman exists only in the mind of Christian Bale, and that that insidious idea was planted by the team from 'Inception.' It's the brainchild of themanbatman, who has expanded an earlier version of this elegantly constructed trailer for a film we wish really existed.

A Moment Of Moore – A Wedding Blessing From Alan Moore

A Wedding Blessing From Alan Moore

Royal Wedding Day Runaround

Soldier Make Online Comic Books as PTSD Therapy | DARPA Wants Comics Creation Tool for Combat Therapy | Defense Department Eyes Online Graphic Novel Builder for Troop Therapy | LiveScience

On Tuesday, April 26, DARPA, the Defense Department's research wing, put out a call for "user-friendly authoring tools to help service members express combat-related experiences through personal narratives in a graphic novel/sequential art format." They believe that by producing their own personal comic books, servicemen and women can confront their wartime stresses in a productive and healthy way.

YouTube – Comic Center LIVE! w/ @MarkWaid and @AndyKhouri April 26th, 2011

The panel discusses digital comics and the coming revolution in the Comic Book Industry.


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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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