Sinestro probably misses the good old days, when all he needed to do to defeat a Green Lantern was poke them with a yellow pencil, or min-conjure up a yellow horse and lance to joust against Hal. Now, he's running errands for Lex Luthor, picking on old gods, and weilding a new power ring that gives him the POWERS OF THE RAINBOW.
//Credit: DC Comics
written by MARK RUSSELL
art and cover by BRANDON PETERSON
As the universe tilts towards doom, great forces awake in an effort to stop Lex Luthor's mad plans. Dispatching Sinestro, Luthor sends the former Green Lantern to bring these old gods under control or destroy them before they reach Earth. Now, wielding the power of the ultraviolet spectrum, Sinestro finds his new foes even more dangerous and perplexing than he expected, when realizes any damage he inflicts is immediately repaired.
ON SALE 08.07.19
$4.99 US | 40 PAGES
Okay, that sounds a lot cooler than my version. Sinestro doesn't seem like the type of person who's going to have a lot of patience for enemies that regenerate, either.
Sinestro #1 is part of DC's Year of the Villain event, and will be at your favorite comic shop this August! Don't miss out!
Leigh George Kade is a writer, illustrator, and sculptor who lives in Salt Lake City with his wife and two small Skrulls. Leigh has also been a panelist on the wildly popular Geek Show Podcast since 2008. He has been an Entertainment Writer for Bleeding Cool since 2018.
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