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Steve Ditko On Kickstarter
Robin Snyder, Steve Ditko's co-publisher is attempting to raise enough cash on Kickstarter to get The Ditko Public Service Package #2, all 112 pages of it, back into print.
Originally published in 1991, this satire of the comics industry as it was then aimed to expose the hypocrisy of industry and those who worked in it.
These are the contents from the original pulication.
10-page story "once upon a comic-time…"
14-page story "a blankety blank tale"
12-page story "to see the light get out of the dark"
6-page story "… nothing…"
3-page story "oh, can you see"
44-page story "…and then it happened"
15-page story "brain drain brain pain"
1-page story " editorial? artorial? hysterical history?"
5-page story "time passes."
1 / 2-page ad for MR. A. products from MORT TODD LTD
1-page story "we missed the deadline, but it's not our fault!"