Posted in: Comics | Tagged: agents of shield, Daisy Johnson, ebay, entertainment, inhuman, inhumans, secret war, sky, Skye, tv
And With That, Secret War #2 Became A $30 Comic – Last Night's Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Last night, Secret War #2, months ago a quarter bin comic book, then in recent weeks a $8 comic book, sold for $30 on eBay. And everyone is now listing copies…
Well, a certain TV show had aired. It was revealed on Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. that Skye's name was, in fact, Daisy, as we had suggested.
She went through some kind of transformation, much like the terrigenesis of the Inhumans in Marvel comic books. Here's the TV version…
And the comic book version…
For those unfamiliar, in the Marvel comic books, the Inhumans are a race of alien-DNA infused humans who live apart from humanity, in the hidden city of Attilan, and whose powers and new forms are triggered by the Terrigen mists. Recently in the Marvel comics, those mists went worldwide, triggering a number of unknown Inhumans and revealing a far wider population base.
Oh and there's also a Marvel Studios movie attached. For the last couple of years, Marvel Comics have been trying to boost the appeal in the comics of the Inhumans as an alternative to X-Men, a property for which they do not control multi-media exploitation, as Fox Studios bought up all the X-Men rights during Marvel's period in bankruptcy a decade or two ago.
Okay, where were we?
Right, yes, Sky. She emerged with, what appeared to me seismic powers, causing tremors. Just like Daisy Johnson, daughter of the monster scientist Mister Hyde, agent of SHIELD, with the codename Quake, who first appeared in Secret War #2.
Hence the fervent activity to pick up what is now believed to be the character's first appearance in Marvel continuity. How this will affect the upcoming Agents Of SHIELD comic book featuring characters from the TV show and launching on New Year's Eve, is as yet unknown.
As for the identity of the Inhuman seen in the finale scene, the man with no eyes, smart money is on him being Reader.
Who was first introduced in Inhuman #4. A man who could make real what he read, so people tore his eyes out. Now he uses braille to trigger his powers, including being able to see through his guide dog, who he can also channel powers through. He also had a larger role in last week's comic, Inhuman #9.
Inhuman #4 is currently on eBay with no bids at 99 cents.