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'This Changes Everything ' – One Fan Reacts to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25 WonderCon 2018 Panel
Jimmy Leszczynski attended the Power Rangers Panel at WonderCon for Bleeding Cool. He is sworn to secrecy.
Power Ranger fans have come out in full force today for the BOOM! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid panel. This panel promises to make Power Rangers history with a moment no Power Rangers fan can afford to miss. Moderator Joshua Yehl begins by introducing the panel while the crowd cheers uncontrollably. Melissa Flores (director, Power Rangers Content, Saban Brands), Dafna Pleban (BOOM! Studios), David Yost (Billy Cranston, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series), and writers Kyle Higgins (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and Ryan Parrott (Saban's Go Go Power Rangers) take their seats to a standing ovation.
We jump right in teasing Issue #25 of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which centers around Lord Drakkon challenging Power Rangers throughout time and how one lucky fan, Krystian Ibanez, is going to get to read this game-changing book onstage… to himself.
This has to be the most electric panel I have ever been to. The crowd is abuzz as Paul Schrier, Bulk, interrupts the panel as he enters from the rear of the room. FYI, Farkas Bulkmeier or Bulk to the Angel Grove gang, and his pal Skull are the longest recurring characters on the show.
While the Panel discusses Power Rangers Go Go. The chatter is interrupted by this young man's reactions to the end. "This changes everything" he exclaims.
Billy guarantees us "That Your mind is gonna be blown" when this book comes out this Wednesday. The panel teases the onstage reader about how unfair it is that he got to read the issue early again, just as Kyle announces that everyone in the room gets a copy of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25. Not just any copy, but one featuring a variant cover only available at this panel.
Moderator Joshua asks to have the lights turned up as we are afforded 10 minutes to read. Now this is crazy. Fan next to me finished before me, slammed down his book and is sitting with his arms crossed like someone just killed his Alpha 5. As more people start to finish the reactions are impossible to ignore. Fans next to me are crying. One girl walked out to pull herself together. This crowd has lost its collective mind. Some fans did manage to keep it together, however.
Once everyone has finished and the lights go back down when the host then asks for reactions and all I hear is "Holy Shit!" The panel then opens up for a spoiler-filled discussion, that I cannot relay, due to a promise I just recently made to the Blue Ranger.
I cannot spoil the end here, but I have to agree with that last dude – "Holy Shit"
This is a huge game changer for Zordon's crew, and If you are any kind of Power Ranger fan, this revelation will rock you to your very core. At least if this crowd is any indicator.
How can the Power Rangers go on? Will they go on?
Writer Kyle Higgins assures us "There is a story we are telling, and this is just the beginning "
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25 hits shelves on Wednesday, March 28th, but not with the cover I have.