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The Partisans #3 From Hexagon and Jean-Marc Lofficier in October

The Partisans #3: War’s End From Hexagon and Jean-Marc Lofficier in October, as well as current plans for the publisher.

Article Summary

  • Hexagon Comics revives European comics in English, thanks to Jean-Marc Lofficier's efforts and translations.
  • The Partisans #3: War’s End releases in October, highlighting WWII missions and heroic sacrifices.
  • Hexagon's comics are available online, via Amazon, and conventions, ensuring broader access for English readers.
  • Despite battling ALS, Lofficier continues to publish bi-monthly, bringing thrilling stories to life.

Hexagon Comics USA continues to put European comics back into print, mostly written by Jean-Marc Lofficier, translated into English, and distributed solely through his websiteAmazon page, or at conventions. Selling enough copies to make it more than worthwhile, as well as making certain comics available to a wider English-speaking audience. And repackaging work by familiar names in American comics before they made it big. Retailers can purchase Hexagon Comics at a 40% discount from distributor Ingram or from the publisher. After Jean-Marc Lofficier was hit by ill health earlier this year, he switched to a bi-monthly publication schedule after being diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, saying, "I have been given two more "good years", perhaps more, medicine having made progress, but unfortunately I can no longer afford to waste time."

And for October, that means The Partisans #3: War's End

The Partisans #3: War's End

7×10 squarebound comic, 48 pages b&w
ISBN-13: 978-1-64932-333-0. US$10.95
cover: Luciano Bernasconi
Story: J.-M. Lofficier; Art: Mario Guevara
Story: Thierry Mornet; Dialogues: J.-M. Lofficier; Art: Luciano Bernasconi '
Spring 1945. The end of the Second World War is near… Paris has just been liberated… The Germans are retreating everywhere… The Americans are coming… However, there is still time for some desperate missions, such as stopping a last train of Jewish children from being taken by the Nazis to the death camps! The Guardian of the Republic and Marianne, Baroud and Princess Sadko of the Partisans, will each face incredible obstacles in order to halt this abominable project. And their success will only come at the price of the blood shed for some of them… But while one war is about to end, another, perhaps even more violent and merciless one, is already beginning…
These two sagas from the last days of the Second World War have been created by Thierry Mornet & Luciano Bernasconi, and Jean-Marc Lofficier & Mario Guevara.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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