Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Bisexuality, Comics, immigration, marvel, today, Truthers
The State Of The Marvel Universe Today – Immigration, Truthers And Bisexuality
It's not just the DC Universe going through upheaval today. Marvel Comics want to play too.
While The Ultimates would have us believe that the cosmic entity Eternity is in chains – somehow – the final issue of Starbrand & Nightmask has its own revelations about the state of the current Marvel Universe.
Well, it did take misaligned Earths to destroy an entire multiverse, re-establishing them may have given the planet a little bit of an ego boost.
Certainly enough to attract a mini-Marvell to Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur, which also has a final page twist to die for…
As for the Earth's ego, there's no better proponent than in today's Uncanny Inhumans, dealing with an alien refugee crisis caused by a bit of food going down the wrong way. Seriously.
I'm not exactly sure that Queen Medusa has the measure of her people… as Steve Rogers: Captain America #1 demonstrates.
But Queen Medusa does at least have a handy dandy future predictor in Ulysses, in the new Ms Marvel.
Is this something for Bruno in the Ms Marvel title? Or it something of greater significance in Civil War II itself? Not everyone is a big fan of the future though.
Well, the Extraordinary X-Men do have to deal with more futures than most people. Though we still have many unanswered questions about their recent past.
Though in Doctor Strange, we do at least get one response to the question "Why don't they just call the Avengers" that every solo superhero comic book at Marvel usually fails to answer.But there's a much better answer in Unbeatable Squirrel Girl – none of it is actually happening.
Given that the whole multiverse was meant to have ended but few people noticed, he might actually have a point here. Can we get "super hero truther" shirts for San Diego??
Talking of truths… last year, Marvel Comics gave Hercules a touch of the bi-Rasure. Well, today while the internet is exploding over #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend, Patsy Walker, Hellcat takes an opportunity today to add at least one more member to the bisexual ranks with the telekinetic Ian Soo…