Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: brian bendis, Dean Cain, fox news, superman, Tom King, trump
Tom King Tells Fox News You Can Say Truth, Justice & The American Way
Dean Cain, who played Superman in the nineties TV show, Lois And Clark, is not averse to appearing on Fox News as a Trump-supporting talking head. So when Time Magazine included a op-ed by Eliana Dockterman on the role of superheroes in fiction, after police fiction had come under the spotlight in the light of Black Lives Matter. It's not a novel point of view, superheroic fiction originates in cowboy, detective and police fiction of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, it has always represented a might-makes-right, conservative, individual duty and responsibility point of view, even if certain storyline and characters tack in a different direction. With comics such as Judge Dredd, Marshall Law, Watchmen, Marvelman and The Authority embodying a criticism of that nature. But it was enough for Fox News to invite Dean Cain on to talk to Ainsley Earhardt about the issue.
Cain stated that calls to re-examine pop culture's treatment of superheroes like Batman, Spider-Man, and Punisher, who were accused of being 'cops with capes' were 'insane.' Cain, who became a reserve police officer with the Pocatello Police Department, last month, defended both the police, their fictional portrayal and superheroism. He added 'So, this stuff all just drives me insane. I promise you that Superman – I wouldn't today be allowed to say: "Truth, Justice, and the American Way". With those telling negative stories having an agenda, "It's crazy. They hate capitalism, they hate law and order, and they hate America." In response, Ainsley Earhardt said "Oh my gosh. You're right. You're absolutely right."
Tom King, one of DC Comics most prominent writers, and former CIA agent, wrote the recent Up In The Sky Superman story that ran exclusively in Walmart before being packaged for the bookstore and comic book store. He tweeted out, with evidence:
"Mother f-cker I put it in a comic this year. Smh."
"I believe in truth. I believe in justice. I believe in the American Way." While the current writer of the Superman and Action Comics books for DC Comics, Brian Bendis, began his run two years ago, telling the New York Times,
"When you strip everything away on Superman you're basically stripping away all the ridiculous stuff and getting to the real truths. It's about making your own family versus the family you're born with, about finding out who you are versus where you were put. These are big, big issues that we deal with. Truth, justice and the American way. These things are under siege. This is the world we live in. These are not absolute things anymore. These are things worth fighting for."
Just no one tell Fox News…