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Vanadia To Join DC Comics' Titans Despite Having Gone Boom (Spoilers)

Vanadia to join DC Comics' Titans despite having gone BOOM... as seen in today's Titans #21 by John Layman and Pete Woods (Spoilers)

Article Summary

  • Vanadia returns to Titans, revived as a cyborg after being believed dead.
  • Amanda Waller transformed Vanadia, now engaged in Titans drama anew.
  • Cyborg's handiwork brings Vanadia back, adding tension to the team.
  • Raven's unwitting actions and Arsenal's blunders spice up the narrative.

Vanadia was a fan of the Titans who was twisted and turned by Amanda Waller during Absolute Power into a cyborg, sent to fight the Titans believing she was protecting them

Vanadia Titans
Titans #11

Eventually, she was snapped out of it.

Vanadia Titans
Titans #11

But no one told Raven. Or if they did, it was the Raven possessed by the demon within her crystal, so it didn't count when she did this…

Vanadia Titans
Titans #11

And that was the end of Vanadia. Or was it?

Vanadia Titans
Titans #11

Because, from one cyborg to another, Victor has been busy.

DC Comics Spoiler
Titans #21

All back together again, brand news. Or course Arsenal wasn't around the Titans in those Absolute Power days, but he has heard tell…

DC Comics Spoiler
Titans #21

And you know how rumours spread and grow when watered…

DC Comics Spoiler
Titans #21

Oh dear, Arsenal, you went and used the M word…

DC Comics Spoiler
Titans #21

After all, Victor is one of the "good ones", right Arsenal? Anyway, it looks like she'll be joining the roster by issue 23… Titans #21 by John Layman and Pete Woods is published today.

(W) John Layman (A) Pete Woods (CA) Amy Reeder
RAVEN IN THE CLUTCHES OF THE PSYCHO-PIRATE! Overly emotional empath Raven has completely lost it–and she's taking the Titans with her. Of course, she's being nudged along by the psycho-est of the psychos, Psycho-Pirate! And he's got a plan: first Raven, then the Titans…then the world!
Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 03/19/2025

Vanadia Titans
Titans #23

(W) John Layman (A) Pete Woods (CA) Tom Raney
A NEW TITANS RISES! Nobody's quite sure what to make of the latest addition to the Titans' roster, but it's got Cyborg feeling increasingly like Dr. Frankenstein. But this is no collection of rusty bolts and moldy body parts he's brought to life. It's the most sophisticated artificial intelligence the world has ever known, capable of controlling every computer on the planet–or destroying them! Retail: $4.99 In-Store Date: 5/21/2025

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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