Diamond Comic Distributors gives retailers reasons for distribution delays, but what's it like on the ground floor? Bleeding Cool asks around.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, cosplay, dc, dc comics, dogwelder, entertainment, garth ennis, hitman, john mccrea
When Sexy Dogwelder Welded A Dog To John McCrea's Face
It seems a peculiarly American choice for a Hallowe'en costume to take the outfit of a trade, cut about 9/10 of it away and call it "sexy". Sexy nurse, sexy firefighter, sexy cowboy, sexy plumber, etc.
But no one had done "sexy Dogwelder".
That was until Kelly Kanayama took to the London Super Comic Con a few weeks back, dressed as the character from Hitman and Section Eight.
Well, there's only one person she had to impress. Dogwelder co-creator John McCrea.
John even helped out with the Photoshop effects…
Sexy Dogwelder, folks!
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