Posted in: Focus Home Interactive, Games, Video Games | Tagged: Focus Home Entertainment, Hood: Outlaws & Legends, Sumo Interactive
Hood: Outlaws & Legends Reveals Hunter Gameplay Video
Focus Home Interactive has released a new trailer today showing off the Hunter from Hood: Outlaws & Legends. The second of the four classes in the gamer to be introduced in this four-player take on Robin Hood, the Hunter provides both a distraction for players to get an advantage, but also a skilled shooter and quick killer on your team's side. They make for great infiltration but also for a speedy getaway as people will think twice about taking you on in combat. You can check out the character's trailer below as we slowly make our way to the May 10th release for the game.
Rumored to be the heir of a powerful nobleman, the Hunter is carving a path of vengeance across the country with her crossbow and its mounted blade. Known never to make the same mistake twice, she has fashioned powerful weapons and tools improved upon every failure of her past. With a burst-fire crossbow attached to her bracer, the Hunter is as elusive as she is mysterious. Her quick takedowns, invisibility magic, and smoke grenades make her a terror in close-quarters.
Elusive and mysterious, the Hunter's quick takedowns, invisibility magic, and smoke grenades make her a terror in infiltration and assassination. Her modified arm-mounted crossbow can load up to three bolts at once for a deadly burst, giving her incredible lethality at close and mid-range. And when it comes to supporting her band of outlaws, the Hunter's smoke grenades can cover sightlines and prevent the enemy from tagging teammates for a tactical advantage. The Hunter's ultimate ability is the Shroud, covering her with a near-invisible sheen that's completely undetectable by guards. This grants her unique advantages behind enemy lines, letting her reach the treasure vault with ease or take out foes with terrifying efficiency.