Posted in: Movies | Tagged: ben mendelsohn, entertainment, film, lionsgate, robin hood, robin hood: origins
Ben Mendelsohn Set To Play The Sherif Of Nottingham In Robin Hood: Origins
Ben Mendelsohn really is getting a little type cast as villains at the moment. He seems to be real good at it though, so I for one am not complaining. He's about to take a big step into the zeitgeist too, with his antagonistic turn as Orson Krennic in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
It seems he's working on getting another big turn lined up right now too. Variety are reporting that Mendelsohn is currently in negotions to take the main villain role in Lionsgate's Robin Hood: Origins, as the Sheriff of Nottngham. Unsurprisingly, the story will tell how the legend of Sherwood Forest came to live in infamy.
The role has a long lineage of cracking actors and performances, and I think Mendelsohn could have some real fun with it. Here's hoping.