Posted in: Cinemacon, Legendary, Movies, Warner Bros | Tagged: cinemacon, dune, liveblog, movies, the matrix 4, Warner Bros
CinemaCon 2021: Join Us for Our Warner Bros. Presentation Liveblog!
We're rounding out CinemaCon Day #2 with a liveblog of the 90-minute presentation from Warner Bros. A first look at The Matrix 4? We'll see.
CinemaCon is the convention for theater owners and the last time they had an event was in March of 2019. The tone of that convention was very "we don't need to worry about VOD, streaming isn't a problem, it'll be fine," as we went into the release of Avengers: Endgame being one of the biggest movies of all time. This time, it's going to be a very different sounding convention as theaters have been forced to deal with streaming, PVOD, and everything else with the pandemic. We'll have to see how this one turns out. Today, we wrap up our coverage of day two of CinemaCon with a presentation from Warner Bros. It's only 90 minutes long, so it's probably not going to be a screening of anything.
This is going to be one of the more interesting presentations. Theaters were really unhappy about the HBO Max releases, and most of the convention has been spent going on and on about how the hybrid model is not working. They don't have anyone from Disney to direct their ire at, so Warner Bros. is about to bear the weight of the disdain of theater owners. We expect that a lot of this presentation is going to be Warner Bros. assuring the theater owners that the HBO Max thing is just for the rest of 2021, and starting in 2022, they won't be doing it anymore. Warner Bros. has a lot of really good movies coming out this year, so we could get more footage from Dune, which has been getting a pretty big marketing push in recent weeks. This would also be a perfect chance to give us a first look at The Matrix 4. Are they going to scare the pants off of me by showing scenes from Malignant? And what of the 2022 releases? Join us for our liveblog, but you might need to refresh the page to make it work: