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Kurt Warner Story Comes To The Big Screen With American Underdog

Kurt Warner ruled the football world for a while there and has one of the coolest backstories in the history of the game. His Hall of Fame career is the subject of a new biopic called American Underdog, coming out on Christmas Day. Zachary Levi will play Warner, with Anna Paquin playing his wife Brenda and Dennis Quaid as iconic coach Dick Vermeil. A whose who of sports movie vets fills out the rest of the cast. You can see the full trailer for the film below.

Kurt Warner By Most Accounts Is A Cool Guy

"American Underdog tells the inspirational true story of Kurt Warner (Zachary Levi), who went from a stocking shelves at a grocery store to a two-time NFL MVP, Super Bowl champion, and Hall of Fame quarterback. The film centers on Warner's unique story and years of challenges and setbacks that could have derailed his aspirations to become an NFL player – but just when his dreams seemed all but out of reach, it is only with the support of his wife, Brenda (Anna Paquin) and the encouragement of his family, coaches, and teammates that Warner perseveres and finds the strength to show the world the champion that he already is. American Underdog is an uplifting story that demonstrates that anything is possible when you have faith, family, and determination."

Kurt Warner Story Comes To The Big Screen With American Underdog
American Underdog Poster. Credit Lionsgate

Kurt Warner's story is for sure worthy of the big-screen treatment and an inspirational one for sure. Levi is almost too perfect to play Warner as well; whoever cast him as the quarterback deserves a raise. Besides that, we shall see how hokey they get and how much they lean into the man's faith when telling the overall story.

American Underdog hits theaters on Christmas Day.

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Jeremy KonradAbout Jeremy Konrad

Jeremy Konrad has written about collectibles and film for almost ten years. He has a deep and vast knowledge of both. He resides in Ohio with his family.
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