Video Archives

Collectors Cornered by Randy Myers
Randy Myers of Collectors Corner writes  for Bleeding Cool As a comic store owner (Collectors Corner, in Baltimore, MD) I wanted to provide some counter
When Will Hawkman Get His Movie?
So Green Lantern receives a toast at his local bar hangout from Elektra, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Superman, Kick Ass, all the superheroes who have now got
VIDEO: We Just Saw X-Men First Class
I just went to see X-Men First Class with the good lady wife and Tom Daylight from the Bleeding Cool boards. Post show, we popped into the nearby Pizza
A Song For Rob Granito
Bleeding Cool is proud to present Fake It Better, Granito by Tom Smith, a parody of R. B. Greaves' Take A Letter, Maria, in aid of our favourite swipe
Rob Granito Hits YouTube At MegaCon
A stealth video taken of Rob Granito's stall at Megacon...
Marvel Vs 30 Rock
We thought something like this was coming and here it is. Marvel's rebuttal to Avengers Academy #8 being destroyed in  last week's episode of 30 Rock with