aaron warner Archives

Spotlight On Indie Comics: The 15 Best Of 2014 Edition
Number One written by Gary Scott Beatty (Seductions, Jazz: Cool Birth) with art by Aaron Warner (Adventures of Aaron) is nothing short of a masterpiece It is the story of how a boy's passion for stories drew him into a career as an comic shop owner and how his earnest love for others helps him[...]
It Shouldn't Happen To A Comic Book Retailer
Drawing this snake eating its own tale is Aaron Warner. Feel free to take a look at Number One, published by Indie Comics Magazine, below -in YouTube, PIt Shouldn't HAppen To A Comic BDF embed and jpeg… [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87IJow7est4[/youtube]   Who'd be a comic book retailer? In September, Gary Scott Beatty is telling the story of his retail life[...]