acid Archives

An Acidic Deal | Rick and Morty | adult swim
From what we've seen and read about "The Vat of Acid Episode", it's an episode where it's been confirmed that there will be a vat of acid We also know that it's important that for Morty to listen to Rick and jump into whatever vat of acid he jumps into (no space snake nonsense this[...]
steam online gamers
In an email to Variety, a Valve spokesman said the person who made the game has a history of abusive behavior and it's removed both developer Revived Games and publisher Acid from its digital storefront. "This developer and publisher is, in fact, a person calling himself Ata Berdiyev, who had previously been removed last fall when he[...]
When Peter Capaldi Won An Oscar… Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderful Life
Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderful Life, the short film written and directed by Peter Capaldi, starring Richard E Grant, that won an Oscar for best short film back in 1994. Oh look, it's on YouTube. [youtube][/youtube] And if that's not enough, how about Capaldi's first American chat show with his old friend Craig Ferguson including an early look at[...]