In the animated series, Patrick is a good-hearted peasant who lands a coveted squire position at the royal castle however his dream job quickly turns into a nightmare when he learns his beloved kingdom is run by a hornet's nest of horny monarchs, crooks, and charlatans.
A scene from Crossing Swords (Image: Hulu).
Even worse, Patrick's valor[...]
adam ray Archives
In fact, she will be joining one of the largest and most talented female casts ever, including: Aimee Carrero as She-Ra, Karen Fukuhara as Glimmer, Marcus Scribner as Bow, Vella Lovell as Mermista, Jordan Fisher as Sea Hawk, Merit Leighton as Frosta, Adam Ray as Swift Wind, Genesis Rodriguez as Perfuma, Reshma Shetty as Angella, Sandra[...]