afterwards they will explode Archives

Living With MODOK – Afterwards They Will Explode
Patrick Willems brings us not only Afterwards They Will Explode, but packs it full of MODOK goodness As well as, to put it bluntly, MODOK junk. [youtube][/youtube] And earlier MODOK goodness… [youtube][/youtube] Patrick Willems brings us not only Afterwards They Will Explode, but packs it full of MODOK goodness[...]
The Future Of Horror Movies – Afterwards They Will Explode by Patrick Willems
I think Patrick Willems has excelled himself with his second Afterwards They Will Explode video this week for Bleeding Cool Man, I want this, I want this now. You may disagree, but if you do, you're wrong I can prove it with graphs. I think Patrick Willems has excelled himself with his second Afterwards They Will[...]