Alchemical Works Archives

BattleJuice Alchemist Announced For PC & Consoles
Indie game developer Alchemical Works and publisher ESDigital Games dropped a new update for BattleJuice Alchemist this morning, as players have access to Act 2 Act 2 comes with a brand new landscape as you explore the Desert City known as The Well, a new set of NPCs to encounter, a vast wilderness to trounce[...]
BattleJuice Alchemist Announced For PC & Consoles
Indie game developer Alchemical Works and publisher ESDigital Games confirmed they have released a PC-exclusive demo for BattleJuice Alchemist Right now, you can head over to the game's Steam page and play a limited version of the title It won't be a lot, but it will be enough for you to enjoy the alchemy RPG[...]
BattleJuice Alchemist Announced For PC & Consoles
Indie game developer Alchemical Works and publisher ESDigital Games revealed their latest game on the way with BattleJuice Alchemist This is an all-new RPG title in which you'll have to manage equipment and deal with a complex alchemy system in order to make what you need, then fight off enemies in a top-down JRPG scenario[...]