angela Archives

Karen Gillan As Angela – How Journalism Works
It quite categorically states that Karen Gillen is playing Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane's character Angela in the new Guardians Of The Galaxy movie It was then picked up by the tabloid Scottish paper, the Sunday Mail, which has no relation to the Daily Mail However, the article doesn't appear on the Daily Mail or[...]
Will Karen Gillan Play Angela In Guardians Of The Galaxy? Monday Trending Topics
And it's an intriguing possibility. Most-Read TV/Film Stories Monday: Rumour: Karen Gillan is Playing Angela In Guardians Of The Galaxy I'm just a little split on whether or not this is a hoax or not, but even if it isn't, that doesn't mean it's true – and, technically, I suppose, even if it is, that doesn't mean it's[...]
Is That Stephanie Brown In The Corner?
Including this one for Angela, by Meredith McClaren. Thanks to DC Women Kicking Ass who picked up on this one L'il Gotham previously tried to sneak a Stephanie Brown Batgirl onto a page but failed This time they succeeded with a Stephanie Brown Robin Or at least her costume Or at least half of it[...]
BC Mag #4: Hot Comics = Ca$h!
We're starting to see the same happen to Saga as well… With the news that Angela was to join the Marvel Universe, including appearances in Age of Ultron and Guardians of the Galaxy, Spawn #9 has massively heated up Selling in the dollar bins due to everyone having copies at one point, with a print run[...]
The Look Of Angela (UPDATE)
Entertainment Weekly is showing off the new look of Angela, by way of Joe Quesada Quite a trick, considering how much she seemed to change in appearance from panel to panel in the original comics… "There was somewhat of a roadmap for doing this kind of thing that Stan Lee established back in 1962 with the[...]
Marvelman – Tuesday Trending Topics
Marvelman rumors were bound to start up again in the wake of last week's Neil Gaiman and Angela news And don't forget this little Kimota tidbit that we ran in January. The Angela news had hit, and people were talking about the possible return of Marvelman/Miracleman with Neil Gaiman and Buckingham at Marvel[...]
No. More. Bankruptcy.
So that's Angela, Count Coglistro, Medieval Spawn and using Neil's name for promotional purposes all sorted out… onto Miracleman!   Legal eagle Daniel Best sticks up the news (and legal evidence) that not only is Todd McFarlane Productions out of bankruptcy but has paid Neil Gaiman over a million dollars (to be said, of course, with[...]
Gaiman And McFarlane Settle Over Spawn And Angela
He wrote issue 9, introducing characters Cogliostro, Medieval Spawn and Angela, wrote the spinoff Angela mini-series introducing the angelica to the Spawn universe and found three other pages he'd written contributing to another issue. Then Todd McFarlane bought Eclipse in 1996 for the rights to Marvelman/Miracleman And, as Neil asked about payment and ownership issues over[...]