bad idea Archives

The 100 Comics Shops Stocking Bad Idea Comics - Only One in the UK
We have the supposed 100-list of comic book stores cleared to stock Bad Idea's new line of comic books, direct to the retailer, outside of Diamond, with no digital versions, no collections, no variant covers and only selling one copy per customer, for $3.99 each Initially restricted to twenty stores, then fifty, now a hundred[...]
Bad Idea Goes to ComicsPRO - Will They Be Ripped Limb From Limb?
Bad Idea is going to the ComicsPRO summit, you know, the retailer activist group's meeting, freash after announcing that the new publisher will be selling comics from only twenty stores that fulfil its stringent criteria, growing to only fifty stores by the end of the year. People who are not part of that twenty are going[...]
Let's Talk Through Some Bad Ideas
"The one thing that will wash away all sins is if the books are really, really, really, really good." –Dinesh Shamdasani, from a Multiversity interview Dinesh Shamdasani and the pre-DMG New Valiant crew (Warren Simons, Hunter Gorinson, and Josh Johns) made a splash last Thursday by announcing the scope of their new project called Bad Idea. Bad[...]
Valiant Bans Mention Of Bad Idea On Social Media Pages
Bleeding Cool has been repeatedly breaking news about the new New York-based publisher Bad Idea Comics, formed from former executives of Valiant Entertainment But there's one place you won't read about the publisher – and that's on Valiant's own associated Facebook pages, such as Valiant Comic Fans Administrator Christopher Amundson made it very clear If[...]
Is Bad Idea Planning A New Comics Industry Shake-Up?
For months, there's been rumours – and some not so subtle teasing – that former Valiant Comics executives Dinesh Shamdasani, Warren Simons, Hunter Gorinson and Josh Johns have been building something new and disruptive to mount their return to comics publishing. It looks like they're calling that something Bad Idea – a new comic book publishing house that's already racked up an[...]