Set in Marvel's X-Men universe, the adventure-drama series stars Stephen Moyer, Amy Acker, Natalie Alyn Lind, Percy Hynes White, Sean Teale, Jamie Chung, Emma Dumont, Blair Redford and Coby Bell. The Gifted has produced solid ratings for Fox, with the series averaging a 1.0 rating and 3.3 million viewers per episode in Live+ numbers; and averaging a 2.0[...]
blair redford Archives
After the reveal that the show is in someway connected to the name Gifted, either as a working title or the official name of the show, Matt Nix's new X-Men TV show from Fox has seen numerous elements of new information leak out from the set.
It is unclear at this time if these are official,[...]
Beyond that, we didn't know much else… until now.
Entertainment Weekly reports that Blair Redford has joined the cast of the show, and he will play a character named Sam, described as "the strong-headed Native American leader of the underground network." We're not sure that really rings any bells Some of the most prominent X-Men and[...]