2 (Switch)
JigSaw Abundance (Switch)
Mekorama (PS4, Switch)
NecroWorm (Switch)
One Step From Eden (Switch)
Sin Slayers (Switch)
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (PS4)
The Room VR: A Dark Matter (PS4)
Trailer Trashers (Switch)
Wanba Warriors (Switch)
Wenjia (Switch)
Children of Zodiarcs (Switch)
Credit: Bandai Namco
March 27th
CopperBell (Switch)
Duck Souls+ (Switch)
Gigantosaurus The Game (Switch, XB1)
Inops (XB1)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 (PS4, XB1)
Repressed (Switch)
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected (Switch)
Children of Zodiarcs Archives
Purchase wisely and as always, have fun!
July 18
99Vidas (PS4, Vita)
Archangel [VR] (PS4)
Children of Zodiarcs (PC, PS4)
Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion (Vita)
Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire (PS4)
Flix and Chill 2: Millennials (PC)
Orcs Must Die! Unchained (PS4)
RobotRiot: Hyper Edition (PS4)
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (PS4)
Moon Hunters (XB1)
What Remains of Edith Finch (XB1)
July 20
Gigantic 1.0 (PC, XB1)