Well, it doesn't look like Lois Lane... More and more here.
dan didio Archives
You will have to wait a while... More and more here.
Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason are co-writing Superman - I'll count that as a tick. And Doug Mahnke on art.... More and more here.
Steve Orlando and Brian Chingon Supergirl... More and more here. Steve Orlando is writing Supergirl. Met Geoff Johns and wanted to talk about Crimson
Gene Yang on New Super-Man with Viktor Bogdanovic... More and more here. Gene Yang on New Super-Man with Viktor Bogdanovic, does a new cultural context
... More and more here. "Who can say no to Diana?" Greg Rucka. "Wonder Woman The Lies" in the odd number issues with Liam Sharp, present day stories by
Dan Jurgens, Patrick Zircher, Tyler Kirkham and Stephen Segovia on Action Comics. Oh look, three artistic teams. Another tick for the checklist, More and
Two books... two series.. two teams... More and more here. Hope Larson on Batgirl. Rafael Albuquerque on the book. She loves the past run, and moving her
With Sean Murphy, John Romita Jr, Jock, Paul Pope, Afua Richardson, Tula Lotay and more... Another tick for the checklist. More and more here. Elephant in
"Better than Batman"... Tim Seeley on Nightwing. Blue and Black! Javi Fernandez and Marcus To on art. Geoff points out that Grayson's run still is part of
And it's a team book.... James Tynion IV on Detective Comics. Eddy Barrows, Alvaro Martinez. Robin, Spoiler, Batwoman and Batman are on the cover. So is
One tick for the checklist... King talks about how Snyder made Batman personal, and how he wants to do it. Tom King joked about being former CIA, and
With the biggest surprise in the DC Universe... ever! And here's the whole thing. There might be a death of a character, the biggest secret in the DC
Dan DiDio talks about reconnecting with the fans That DC may have lost their way And Geoff Johns talks about how Dan DiDio throws in creative grenades to the office… like ending the comics with #52 and doing a Rebirth.
Geoff Johns states that the New 52 is not – was not a reboot – but[...]
There are a lot of comic based television shows now. Some air at the same times as others. Gotham opposite of Supergirl, Agents of SHIELD opposite of
CBS has released a new featurette focusing on the villains for the Supergirl / Flash crossover. The episode features the return of Livewire (Brit Morgan)
Peter S. Svensson writes for Bleeding Cool from WonderCon. Before the IDW Artists Edition panel officially began, Marketing master Dirk Wood (as seen in
Day one of Wondercon is over, and it was good day that was capped with an awesome night as I watched amazing pilot episode of Preacher. As the day is done
And here's a look at Howard Porter's art for Scooby Apocalypse, courtesy of Dan DiDio, par of the Hanna Barbara comics he refers to as his pet project at the publisher.
The holo-emoji projector does seem to be the way Scooby communicates with the rest of the gang now…
And Wacky Racelands is promised as a very[...]
Dan DiDio peered in to the Instore Convention Kickoff, streaming to comic stores across the USA.
He talked about how the DCTV shows are creating tight continuity between them, just as DC Comics was walking away from that in their own continuity with DC You and more, and Dan saw this as DC abandoning their greatest[...]
Since I first started talking about the new DC Comics renumbering and relaunching planned from June, there has been something that has evaded me. Is it a
Bleeding Cool has already mentioned how a bunch of pitches and ideas have simply been thrown out with the news of the upcoming DC Comics Rebirth event, and creators and editors aren't allowed to pitch them any more, no matter how good they were.
Well, one of them it seems was from Dan DiDio And involved[...]
It's a hard time pitching at DC Comics right now. Everyone's at it, everyone's in competition with each other - even those who don't know they're in
Bleeding Cool has already told you that we are getting a new Titans series as part of the upcoming DC Rebirth event. We didn't now if there would be a
I understand that, as part of the upcoming DC Rebirth project, DC Comics will be launching a new Justice Society Of America comic book. Currently in the
This initially also came from Writer X - read his credentials here. It's not a "glamorous" casting as with Batman, but it makes me very pleased. Because
Another DC Rebirth rumour comes from Writer X - I talked about his credentials here. He - or she, I suppose, though the person identifies as male - claims
Joe Quesada once did that trick to me a fair few years ago… this could be Dan DiDio, Geoff Johns or even John Cunningham.
So bear this in mind But this person – let's call them "Writer X" tells me that the following titles will be cancelled before the DC Comics Rebirth.
Superman/Wonder Woman
Bleeding Cool was the first to report that Scott Snyder would be leaving the Batman monthly comic he has flourished on, as it goes bi-weekly and starts
So how is the publication schedule of Rebirth going to look for the upcoming DC Comics relaunch we have been going on about for an age? Here's how it's