dark horse comics Archives

Two Sassy Sisters Face The Galaxy: Advance Review Of Bounty #1
It's quality work, and straight-up entertaining! Bounty #1 is set to release from Dark Horse Comics on July 6th Until then, check out a preview below and keep your eyes peeled for my upcoming review with Kurtis Wiebe!   Dark Horse's upcoming hit has been described as "Rat Queens meets Firefly," and with a description like[...]
Gene Ha Wants You To Tell Your LCS #iwantmae!
Now it's going to be released from Dark Horse Comics! Creator Gene Ha wants you to tell everyone #iwantmae as we come together to spread the word about this awesome book. Tell your comics retailer you want to preorder MAE by @GeneHa & @DarkHorseComics! #iwantmae #supportcreatorowned pic.twitter.com/TiqhvzouD1 — DANIEL CHABON (@NotTooChaby) March 23, 2016 What's it about? When she[...]
"I Love H. P. Lovecraft, I Love Cop Shows, And Their Unholy Bastard Child Is Weird Detective" Dark Horses New Creator-Owned Comic
Dark Horse Comics is proud to announce a new creator-owned comic entitled Weird Detective The comic reunites Harvey-nominated writer Fred Van Lente (Brain Boy, Conan the Avenger, Resurrectionists) and illustrator Guiu Vilanova (Conan the Avenger). Here's what it's all about: Cthulhu cops, the Innsmouth Mafia, telepathic cats, and other crimes against sanity stalk the streets of New[...]
Bring Your Toys To Work! It's Action Figure Work Day…
Even DC had something to say with a DC Super Hero Girls doll… Today is Action Figure Work Day! We hope you brought your toys! Who says you can't play on the job? #AFWD2016 pic.twitter.com/rVWSv8J7MW — DC (@DCComics) March 4, 2016 …Dark Horse too! It's Action Figure Work Day and we're ready to take on Friday with a little help[...]
Scratch-And-Sniff Bookmarks Amongst The Final Issues Of Fight Club 2
Perhaps one of the more interesting incentives to buy a comic…Dark Horse Comics has provided 10,000 scratch-and-sniff bookmarks, in the final issues of Fight Club 2 They're numbered to correspond to clues in the issues. The scratch-and-sniff bookmarks were produced by Chuck Palahniuk as a special thank-you for the strong support comic shop retailers have shown[...]
NYCC '15: Dark Horse Announces The Moebius Library
Dark Horse Comics is proud to announce today ahead of New York Comic Con 2015,  that the library of Mœbius, one of the most influential and respected artists in the history of comics and cartooning, will arrive on store shelves in a lavish series of hardcover volumes, making his work available in this format for[...]