Deadzone Archives

Mantic Shares Details and New Minis for Deadzone
Mantic just came off of a great year for Deadzone, their 28mm Skirmish Sci-fi game With the successful launch of the Nameless faction, the brand-new Outbreak supplement, and an incredibly popular summer campaign, Mantic have found themselves with a lot to reflect on for the past year We're in a brand new year, though, and[...]
Mantic Shows off the Goods with Upcoming Warpath Releases
Any army worth fielding needs serious reinforcements, and the Plague Reserve Force serves up heavy infantry and vehicles that have been lovingly decorated by the Plague's influence. Courtesy Mantic Games If the Plague Army doesn't do it for you, maybe the Nameless faction will! Originally purposed as a playable faction for the Deadzone skirmish game, the Nameless[...]
Character and Mission Expansion for Mantic's 'Star Saga': Review
The sculpts from Mantic are getting better and better, and I'm excited to have these figures for Star Saga and several other genre games I play! They would also make really good objective figures for Deadzone and Warpath games (Deadzone is Mantic's skirmish level game, also set in the much larger Warpath universe) The plastic that[...]