EvilVEvil Archives

EvilVEvil Announces Closed Beta Ahead Of Release Date
Indie game developer and publisher Toadman Interactive launched a brand new Open Beta for players to try out EvilVEvil right now The Beta will allow you to tackle three missions in the game with a number of things unlocked, but not enough to give you the full game experience as they're obviously still working on[...]
EvilVEvil Announces Closed Beta Ahead Of Release Date
For the past few months, Toadman Interactive has been teasing its latest first-person shooter, a mix of vampires and firearms called EvilVEvil The game has you and two friends joining forces in what is essentially a co-op hunt, as you are three awakened vampires who have been put on an eternal quest to fight an[...]
EvilVEvil Announces Closed Beta Ahead Of Release Date
Indie game developer and publisher Toadman Interactive confirmed that EvilVEvil will get a Closed Beta ahead of the game's release this Summer The vampire-themed co-op first-person shooter will officially hold a closed beta across PC via Steam, as well as on PS5 and XSX|S, giving players a chance to experience part of the game for[...]