Ewan McGregor Archives

Is Disney Planning To Announce An Obi-Wan Kenobi Solo Film Starring Ewan McGregor?
If we knew whether Disney were planning to announce an Obi-Wan Kenobi solo film starring Ewan McGregor, we would have written a headline like "Disney Is Planning To Announce An Obi-Wan Kenobi Solo Film Starring Ewan McGregor," or, we suppose, "Disney Is Not Planning To Announce An Obi-Wan Kenobi Solo Film Starring Ewan McGregor," in the[...]
Ewan McGregor Is Spotting Trains Again
There's been a lot of talk about Ewan McGregor returning to the role of Obi Wan Kenobi with all of the Star Wars movies going on That doesn't seem very likely at the moment, but a character he has returned to is Renton in the long awaited sequel to Trainspotting The film returns the bulk[...]
Mortdecai And The Horror Of Bad Adaptations – Look! It Moves By Adi Tantimedh
It's nice that he was having fun, but that's not the character from the books, and the books didn't make a big deal out of moustaches as an unfunny running joke. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyw4b8LGe9I&spfreload=10[/youtube] His butler Jock was a hulk-ish Cockney thug eager for violence, not the pained, put-upon skinny guy who's smarter than his boss that Paul Bettany[...]
The Doctor Strange Shortlist Includes Some New Names
And I saw a report this morning saying Ewan McGregor was in the running… I had just about decided I wasn't going to cover any more of the rumors unless it comes from a source above reproach. This morning Variety posted what they are claiming to be Marvel's shortlist for the role So one of these[...]
Rumors Of An Obi Wan Kenobi Stand Alone Film
But I'm hearing now that because of the popularity of Obi-Wan (fans recently voting for him on the official website etc) that an art team is now working with a writer on concepts for an Obi-Wan movie. Throw in the fact that unlike most of the other characters, Kenobi has an actor already excepted by fans[...]
First Look At Johnny Depp As Mortdecai
Here we have the first trailer for Mortdecai, a new movie from Lionsgate starring Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor, Olivia Munn, Jeff Goldblum and Paul Bettany It's directed by David Kepp, written by Eric Aronson and hits theaters February 6th, 2015. Juggling some angry Russians, the British Mi5, his impossibly leggy wife and an international[...]