frank miller Archives

The Frank Miller Fakes Of eBay
On the left, the item sold on eBay for $765 after fifteen bids, listed as a Frank Miller Elektra sketch And on the right, the actual Frank Miller sketch. On the left, the item sold on eBay for $46 after ten bids, listed as a Bruce Timm Hellboy sketch And on the right, the actual Bruce[...]
The Art That Led To Frank Miller's 300 – Aged Fifteen
Frank Miller's earliest work, as scanned in and uploaded by Comics-n-ERB on the Collector's Society boards. At the time Miller had been involved with comics fandom for seven months, his favourite comic was Daredevil and he liked the fact they make Luke Cage black We also learn a lot, in distressing detail about the history of[...]
Wednesday Comic Revews: Dark Horse Presents #1
Concrete's on the cover, like he never went away, that thick outline of his ripping through the bright pink and yellow of the cover. And so we have Paul Chadwick, Howard Chaykin, Neal Adams, Carla Speed McNeil, Michael T Gilbert, Frank Miller, Harlan Ellison, Richard Corberm, Randy Stradley, Paul Gulacy, David Chelsea and what other comic[...]
Why Chip Kidd Hates The All Star Superman Cover
Which has the total opposite problem." "Could it be any busier? To say nothing of the fact that Robin is kicking Batman in the penis." "Frank Miller by the way hated the Superman cover, cos he had nothing to do with it and he said to me that this says "Superman's saying I can fly and you[...]
Buy Frank Miller's Drawing Chair
But this chair, if you can call it that, is where Frank Miller drew Sin City and 300 As a result its a museum exhibit waiting to happen And it's on eBay, to raise money for the CBLDF, the Comic Book Legal Defence Fund. It's one of a number of items on over the "holiday" period,[...]
BC ComicChron
When other studios were passing on the chance to turn 300, a graphic novel by comic artist Frank Miller, into a swords-and-sandals epic, Mr Tull, a fan of the book, jumped at the chance The result was a film with worldwide box office revenues of $457m. Dr K's 100-Page Super Spectacular: Will Eisner and the "Graphic[...]
When Americans Draw Dredd
To celebrate John Romita Jr drawing Judge Dredd for the new American reprints, here's a run through of some commissions from US artists of the Judge and friends… Tim Vigil and Tim Bradstreet's Judge Dredd Frank Miller's Judge Dredd Lee Bermejo's Judge Dredd Travis Charest's Psi Anderson and Judge Death Guy Davis' Judge Dredd Fred Hembeck's Judge Dredd[...]
Six Figures For Page Of Frank Miller Original Art
This was probably as good a time to sell as any. The original art for the cover to Daredevil #188 by Frank Miller, featuring Daredevil caught in a web from the Black Widow (as seen in the recent Iron Man 2 movie) has just sold at auction for $101,575, a truly staggering sum for a relatively[...]