free comic book day Archives

Free Comic Book Day Runaround – What Will You Get Today?
I'll be going to Orbital Comics, Forbidden Planet and Gosh Comics for their kids workshop with my eldest daughter Eve and some of her school friends for Free Comic Book Day… but where will you be going? [youtube]![/youtube] PressWatch: Hundreds of newspapers dive in to give more and more and more and more coverage to Free Comic[...]
Forty-Three Thoughts About Forty-Three Free Comics
Thank you to Diamond Comics for sending me all these Free Comic Book Day comics in advance I now no longer need to take my children to Free Comic Book Day tomorrow But I will So what do we have? And can I mark them out of ten for desirability, newness, content and general appeal?[...]
Yes, It Looks Like It Is Buffy Vs Aliens, Folks
We suggested last week that we were about to get a Buffy Vs Aliens story from Dark Horse for Free Comic Book Day 2012 An in continuity encounter between Buffy The Vampire Slayer and the xenomorphs. Here's one panel from tomorrow's free Buffy comic… we've been asked not to show any more…   We suggested last week[...]
Image Comics Free Comic Book Day Wraparound Cover
This year's Image Comics Free Comic Book Day volume celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the publisher And in doing so, previews a bunch of all new comic books. It's a bold, confident statement that seems intended to say as much about the company as the comics it previews We have G-Man with Chris Giarrusso… Guarding The Globe[...]
Lee Bermejo's Eternal Warrior And David Aja's Rai
In this weekend's Valiant Free Comic Book Day offering there are plenty of teases as to what is to come in the Valiant Universe. But two pieces stand out rather First there's Lee Bermejo's rendition of Eternal Warrior, another previous Valiant character, to be published later this year Though these pieces are just pin-ups/costume designs from[...]
Sneak Peek: Grant Morrison – Dinosaurs Vs Aliens For Free Comic Book Day
Dynamite's Free Comic Book Day offering this year is Dinosaurs Vs Aliens, a preview of the upcoming graphic novel by Barry Sonnenfeld, Grant Morison and Mukesh Singh Not only do we see art and sketches, but we also get script and background behind the series creation Which tells so much more about what we'll be[...]
Hastings Launches A Nationwide Pullbox
Comic books pre-ordered and set aside for regular customers, to avoid the Wednesday morning rush. This will launch on Free Comic Book Day this Saturday Attendees who pick up free comics from their local Hastings will get a coupon for 25% off their first pullbox order, if they pre-order three or more comics. Well, nationwide-ish Mostly[...]
FCBD 2012: Stadium Comics, The Comic Book Shop, And Image Comics
We're continuing to highlight Free Comic Book Day retailers going above and beyond. Stadium Comics of Ontario, Canada are running signings and sketching from Marcus To, Kalman Andrasofszky, Fred Kennedy, Adam Gorham, Shaun Hatton, Vince Sunico, George Todorovski and Chris Hatzopoulos, Cris De Lara, Paris Alleyne, Chris Leung, Luca Baldassarra, David Bishop, Norm Antonio and Daniel[...]
Thursday Runaround – Free Comic Book Worlds
FreeComicBookDayWatch: Every comic shop across the country seems to be getting loads and loads of press right now for Free Comic Book Day 2012 calling it "Geek Christmas". LemmingWatch: When rap samples Lemmings, from Akira The Don, from Unkillable Thunder Christ. [youtube][/youtube] FranceWatch: BD Comics Passion is the L'Institut Francais in London's second comics festival with Comica[...]
FCBD 2012: Earthworld Comics And The Beguiling
Looking at stores going above and beyond for Free Comic Book Day 2012? Here are a couple more… This year Earthworld Comics of Albany, New York, will be working with Books For Troops by collecting donations from fans to send to soldiers in Afghanistan They have been collecting donations all April long and have been handing[...]
A Sneak Peek At DC's Free Comic Book Day
More on that to come. Weirdly, this also gives the book the feel of Marvel's Free Comic Book Day offering, reprinting Avengers #12.1 as Age Of Ultron #0.1, and showing an upcoming future… Consider these tastes Teases There's so much more inside Oh, and a sneak peek look at a bunch of new titles as well! This is[...]
FCBD 2012: Ultimate Comics, RX Comics, Collectibles Etc And Comic Store West
We've been looking at comic stores that, this weekend, will go above and beyond just giving out free comics on Free Comic Book Day Here are four more contenders. Ultimate Comics of Durham, North Carolina has guests Chris Burnham, Janet Lee, Brian Clevinger, Tommy Lee Edwards, Joe Keating, Andre Szymanowicz and Richard Case signing and sketching[...]
Free Comic Book Gay 2012
The gay-themed Quatrefoil Library of St Paul, Minnesota has spent the year cataloging its comic book singles, and to promote the collection, will be giving away their own free gay-themed comic this Saturday on Free Comic Book Day… or rather, since they have no official affiliation to the event, Free Comic Book Gay. Contributors include James[...]
FCBD 2012: Famous Faces & Funnies In West Melbourne, Florida
We continue to look at comic stores going above and beyond for Free Comic Book Day next Saturday Well, Rebekah Isaacs, Jim Fern, Nelson Ortega, Joe Kuzma, Sebastian Piccione and Neil Jorge will be signing and sketching on Free Comic Book Day at Famous Faces & Funnies in West Melbourne, Florida, giving away ten free[...]
FCBD 2012: Free Comic Book Night From Double Midnight Comics, Manchester, New Hamsphire
And they're extending Free Comic Book Day festivities over four days… and into the night. On Thursday May 3rd the store will sponsor the world's largest Taco Tour with superhero guides to helppeople find ove thirty local restaurants serving $2 tacos all night, followed by a party and a midnight screening of The Avengers, for which Double Midnight[...]
FCBD 2012: Orbital, Gosh And Forbidden Planet, London, UK
This year, I'll be going to Free Comic Book Day with my kids as always But not just my kids Their friends too On Saturday morning, we'll be getting the bus, then two tube trains into Central London with a gaggle of young girls to raid the comic shops of London like they are giving[...]
Buffy Vs Aliens For Free Comic Book Day?
Aliens Vs Predator, Robocop Vs Terminator… But it appears that for Free Comic Book Day a week from tomorrow, there are doing something very special. The cover is a clue. I thought it was just a play on words, an intriguing title, Buffy vs Vampires in Space or something Could it actually be something  a lot more literal? Buffy Vs Aliens[...]
FCBD 2012: Collectors Corner Of Baltimore, Maryland
Bleeding Cool continues to celebrate comic book stires that are going above and beyond for Free Comic Book Day in 2012, this May the 5th. Collectors' Corner in Baltimore, Maryland, will run FCBD 9am until 9pm.Although you may want to be there earlier. The first twenty-five in line will get a Free Movie Pass to see AVENGERS[...]
FCBD 2012: Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New Hampshire… And Lyon
Every year Jetpack Comics hosts a Free Comic Book Day Festival, across Rochester in New Hampshire Thousands attend what has to be one of the largest Free Comic Book Day events in the country. The event starts in Jetpack Comics at 10am but then extends across the town with many other businesses giving away comic books[...]
FCBD 2012: Collector's Paradise In California… And Hastings
California's Collector's Paradise has two stores involved heavily with Free Comic Book Day this May the 5th, one in Padadena, the other in Canoga Park. Signing talent includes Ed Brubaker, Steven Niles, Josh Fialkov, Jim McCann, Kyle Higgins, Rodin Esquejo, Sonia Oback, Gabriel Hardman and Corinna Bechko, Cbisy and Shane Houghton and Matt Whitlock. Theor Free Comic[...]
FCBD 2012: IMAX And Larry's Comics of Lowell, Massachusetts
IMAX cinemas will promote Free Comic Book Day 2012 to their email subscribers and on their website, as well as tweeting, Faceboking and the like, in association with their Marvel Marathon running before the midnight release of Avengers the day before Free Comic Book Day. Larry's Comics of Lowell, Massachusetts, will have David Petersen, creator of[...]
The Road To Free Comic Book Day: Third Eye Comics Of Annapolis, Maryland
On May the fifth this year, it will be Free Comic Book Day On which most comic shops around the English speaking world will be giving away comic books to all and sundry But some stores will be doing even more… Third Eye Comics will be opening their expanded store in Annapolis, Maryland Moving to the[...]
Greensboro Named "Comic Book City, USA"
Just like how Greensboro City Council of North Carolina have just voted unanimously to nickname the city "Comic Book City, USA" on Free Comic Book Day each year Just for the day, mind you May the 5th this year. Local comic shop Acme Comics (as nominated in the Retailer category in the Eisners for its fourth[...]
Will Marvel Get Cinema Goers Into The Stores For Free Comic Book Day?
Marvel Comics are running a promotion with comic book stores and cinema chains, to try and make the link with The Avengers movie and their offerings for Free Comic Book Day. On May 3rd, AMC cinemas across the US will be running The Ultimate Marvel Movie Marathon, screening Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Hulk, Captain America[...]
A Genuinely Free Comic Book Day From Fubar And 215 Ink
Comic book publishers FUBAR Press and 215 INK aren't in the official Free Comic Book Day But they are having a go anyway And targetting a specific group of stores, trying to get their free comics to fifty shops in the magic day. Unlike Free Comic Book Day comics, the retailers don't actually have to pay[...]
Has Antarctic Found A Way To Publish Zombie Kid?
Antarctic Press complied with the order, and the comic disappeared from the shelves, while the two negotiated. But they'd already lined up a Diary Of A Zombie Kid Free Comic Book Day title, and most presumed that this would vanish as well. But while other titles from other publishers were dropped for a variety of reasons, Diary[...]
The Latest In Free Comic Book Day News
Monday will be the last days that comic stores can sign up to be a participant in Free Comic Book Day 2012, by ordering at least 25 each of the Gold Level books. Here's the Andy Runton promotional sticker for the occasion, featuring his character Top Shelf, appearing in the Top Shelf Kids FCBD book. We've already[...]