from hell Archives

Identity Of Jack The Ripper Solved? And All Because of Alan Moore?
Lost Girls, with his future wife Melinda Gebbie, and From Hell, with Eddie Campbell. From Hell would leave the anthology as a series of volumes, later collected, telling the story of Jack The Ripper using one of the most ludicrous theories of the day, that he was the Royal physician, Sir William Gull Moore and Campbell[...]
Eddie Campbell Speaks on his & Alan Moore's From Hell: Master Edition
The graphic novel in question is one of the most respected and beloved examples of the medium: From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell IDW Publishing's Top Shelf has joined with Campbell for this new version of the classic, fully restored and with color added, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the book with From Hell: Master[...]
Alan Moore Writes William Blake in Today's Guardian Newspaper
He often quotes and alludes to Blake in his work, notably the titling of the symmetrical Rorschach story in Watchmen as Tyger Tyger, V quoting Blake's Jerusalem in V for Vendetta, is riven through From Hell, including once scene where Gull tries to explain Blake to his footman, Netley, even titling his second novel Jerusalem.  He[...]
Top Shelf To Release A From Hell + From Hell Companion Boxed Set This September
I'm talking about a boxed set containing their companion to the universally acclaimed From Hell and the graphic novel itself.  This sprawling epic of Victorian murder and human darkness has racked up international awards, landed on bestseller lists, and spawned a Hollywood film Written by Alan Moore, with art by Eddie Campbell, the story is something[...]
IDW Buys Top Shelf Comix, Chris Staros Made EIC, Brett Warnock To Leave Comics
We haven't had a big comic book company acquisition for a while, not since Boom! and Archaia. But we understand that IDW has just acquired Top Shelf Comix. Started in 1997 by Chris Staros, Top Shelf Productions, to give it its official name, has published creator-owned graphic novels, such as League Of Extrardinary Gentlemen, From Hell, Surrogates, Blankets, Essex[...]
From Hell Television Series In The Works From FX
FX has started working on a new drama series based on From Hell, the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell The new production is being executive produced by Don Murphy (Transformers) who also produced the 2001 film starring Johnny Depp and Robbie Coltrane David Arata (Children of Men) is on board to write the[...]
The Top Shelf Three Dollar Graphic Sale Begins Right Now, Right Here
Basically, this is getting first dibs via Bleeding Cool before the best bargains  sell out. Welcome to The Top Shelf Comix Annual Sale. There are some damn fine deals, well below Amazon's prices, my own favourites would be March, Century, Bojeffries Saga, Essex County, Heck, Pinocchio Vampire Slayer, Infinite Kung Fu, Three Fingers, Unerwater Welder… I should[...]
From Poland – The Identity Of Jack The Ripper Finally Revealed
Not that many, and certainly not Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell, actually thought that it was. But a Ripperologist has finally solved the mystery of the identity of Jack The Ripper, the world's first recognised serial killer, working the streets of Victorian London, and starting a whole industry of fascination. Inspired by the From Hell movie, London[...]
Unsung Masterpieces #2: Alec, with Eddie Campbell
– Ales Kot Do you need me to tell you how good Eddie Campbell is? Or that ALEC is probably the best book-length comic about art and wine and midlife crises and families and friends and wine and love and art and saying goodbye and terror there is? – Neil Gaiman In the simplest of terms, Alec is Eddie[...]
Is From Hell Now Part Of Valiant Universe Continuity?
From Hell is probably my favourite graphic novel to date The quality of the comic all gets jumbled up in the time I was reading it, the revelations about how stories could be told, and that I was living near where the comic was mostly set at the time, and I find myself rereading it[...]
Sequential – The Digital Boutique Graphic Novel App Goes Live (UPDATE)
Launch titles include From Hell, Nelson, Verity Fair, Bolland Strips, Hugo Tate and more. Many of the titles include extras, including audio tracks. The title Fictions by Russell Willis and Terry Wiley, is provided free, and tells a short digital comics story in the Alex De Campi tradition. Grab it now and keep it next to ComiXology, Dark[...]
An Appreciation Of Alan Moore, One To Three
Ripping Yarn "From Hell" is another Moore opus I had heard about for years, but only recently have read in its entirety Being a studious comic fanboy back then, I purchased a random issue based on the book's reputation, took it home and couldn't make heads or tails of it. I was grateful for the collected edition,[...]
Top Shelf Panel: Eddie Campbell Confirms From Hell Companion For March 2013
Joshua Stone reports from the Top Shelf panel: At the Top Shelf panel, Eddie Campbell announced that From Hell Companion from he and Alan Moore is ready to go and will be released in March 2013 Campbell describes is as From Hell from another angle He said it is 288 pages long and will be structured[...]
Alan Moore's Jerusalem And New League For 2013
A From Hell Companion by Eddie Campbell. But it is likely that Jerusalem will be literary highlight of them all  You may start your anticipatory engines… now. It's his second novel It is reputed to be half a million words long It may take some time to read, it's taken a very long to write. Jerusalem, by[...]
The From Hell "British Customs Copies" For Sale – £100
A collection of all the issues from the Tundra/Kitchen Sink From Hell comic What was different was their place on history. They've all been stickered and marked up by Her Majesty's Customs to examine – and were eventually passed Certain issues of From Hell had been banned by Customs years previously, but it was this reexamination of[...]
Comics We Just Can't Wait For… But Have To
Both From Hell and Lost Girls were completed and collected The Incorrigible Hulk is being serialised in Strange Adventures And there's even word on more Miracleman. So… there's a few What are the big ones I missed? We wouldn't bitch if we didn't care. There are basically three types of comics it hurts to wait for. 1) The[...]