generation joker Archives

Sean Murphy's World's Finest: White Knight Does The Justice League
Spoilers, of course. Mirka Andolfo Draws Generation Joker for Sean Murphy's DC Murphyverse Sean Murphy's World's Finest: White Knight Does The Justice League Super Spoilers For Sean Murphy's White Knight Murphyverse To recap, first up will be  Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker  by Katana Collins and Clay McCormack, with art by Mirka Andolfo, for May 2023.  "Concerned about[...]
Mirka Andolfo Draws Generation Joker For Sean Murphy's DC Murphyverse
Batman: White Knight Presents: Generation Joker.   "The first title will be called Generation Joker, written by Katana Collins and Clay McCormack, with art by Mirka Andolfo! Here's the pitch… Concerned about Jackie's obsession with the Joker, Jack Napier steals a Batmobile and – kidnaps his two children to take them on a family road trip[...]