greg pak Archives

Weapon H
The series will fill the perfect niche for efficiency-minded fans who are interested in both Hulks and Wolverines, but don't want to read any of the titles starring the dozen or so individual versions of those two characters. At the time, there was no creative team attached, but Marvel has revealed in a press release that[...]
Mech Cadet Yu #4 cover by Takeshi Miyazawa and Triona Farell
Writer Greg Pak continues to show he is one of the industry greats. Admittedly, the tropes it is using do become more prominent as the story goes on Mech Cadet Yu should consider adding plot points that don't feel too predictable if it wants to stay this charming and fun for the long haul. Takeshi Miyazawa's art[...]
Mech Cadet Yu #3 cover by Takeshi Miyazawa and Triona Farrell
Taking a little from Pacific Rim, Attack on Titan, Starship Troopers (the film, sans the cynicism), and numerous manga tropes, Yu has shown itself to be yet another home run by legendary writer Greg Pak. This trend continues in #3, as everything about the young protagonist Yu is endearing He's headstrong, determined, and full of heart[...]
BOOM! January Solicits: Abbot, Mech Cadet Yu, Adventure Time/Regular Show, And More!
With creators like Greg Pak, James Tynion IV, and David F Walker, they have some sweet titles in their listings right now Take a look at what is coming this January. MECH CADET YU SC (DIRECT MARKET EXCLUSIVE) Publisher: BOOM! Studios Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Takeshi Miyazawa Cover Artist: Takeshi Miyazawa Once a year, giant robots from outer space come to Earth and[...]
World War Hulk
That would be World War Hulk, where Greg Pak and John Romita Jr blow up the planet Hulk is on, kills his love, and makes Hulk believe that it was part of the plan to destroy him by the Illuminati — Black Bolt, Iron Man, Mr Fantastic and Doctor Strange. Hulk and his Warbound head back[...]
The last act takes place in Auschwitz, with Max doing whatever it takes to stay alive. It's an interesting companion piece to Red Skull: Incarnate, another Greg Pak-penned villain origin story and another comic I highly recommend They both start off fairly similar Young Max and young Johann both have very troubled childhoods They are, in[...]
John Wick
Dynamite has announced that Greg Pak (Planet Hulk) and artist Giovanni Valletta (Dark Horse Presents) will be the creative team on their new John Wick comics series Based on the two popular Lionsgate films, the comic series will dive into the assassin-for-hire early days. When a young John Wick emerges from prison and embarks upon his[...]
Weapon X #4 Review – Big, Empty Action And A Gun-Toting Logan
I don't dislike her; I've just never held much interest in that character. Greg Pak, well, he's Greg Pak, Planet Hulk, World War Hulk, Phoenix: Warsong He wrote the chilling Red Skull: Incarnate He's responsible for the Incredible Hercules, which was a big part of my introduction into comics He wrote the Magneto Testament, one of[...]
Greg Pak's Run On The Incredible Hulk Was Dedicated To Bill Mantlo
This time we talk to Planet Hulk writer Greg Pak about the influences Bill Mantlo had on him as a comic fan and then as a writer The writer explains exactly how Mantlo's time on the Hulk shaped what we saw years later from Pak. If you haven't checked out the Swords of the Swashbuckler project,[...]
A Good But Tame Start: Weapon X #1 Review
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Cover by Greg Land, Jay Leisten and Frank D'Armata Continuing the ResurrXion X-Men relaunch, we have Weapon X from Greg Pak, Greg Land, Jay Leisten and Frank D'Armata I'm generally not overall a fan of the darker, 'team of killers' X-books, but there have been some exceptions I feel this may be one of them. Pak's[...]
The X-Men Return To Hope: X-Men Prime Review
Written by Marc Guggenheim, Greg Pak and Cullen Bunn, the story is in itself a good piece, if not ground-breaking, a strong tonal change for the series as it becomes more about looking forward and being hopeful and, finally, returning to Xavier's dream of peaceful co-existence, after a lengthy time of mere survival The characters[...]
Comic Books – Immigrants Are Welcome Here
Art by Adam Hughes Writer Greg Pak has raised an excellent point on twitter in response to the #MuslimBan, the controversial Executive Order from President Donald Trump that bans immigration from seven countries of largely Muslim population The ban is affecting refugees from war-torn regions, ideological or social refugees who would face recriminations and death in[...]
Weapon X – Familiarity and Mystery
Greg Pak and Greg Land), is perhaps the oddest of the ResurrXion Reveal Reactions I've had to write this week: because the book already feels drastically familiar. Not in a bad way But rather, it just feels like this book is known And yet it isn't. For a good long while now, it seems that we have[...]
Was Planet Hulk Too Long To Read? Marvel Has You Covered
The series uses animation to summarize major comic events in the Marvel Universe into three minute bites so fans can catch up on the past without spending all that time actually reading. The first episode takes on Planet Hulk, from Greg Pak, Carlo Pagulayan and Aaron Lopresti It tells the story of when the Illuminati (Iron[...]
Watch A Bit Of Greg Pak And Miko Colak's Kingsway West
Greg Pak's new comic with artist Mirko Colak, Kingsway West has had a blip or two before getting off the starting blocks, but the Final Order Cutoff date for its first issue has finally arrived, with the comic out in three weeks time, from Dark Horse Comics. The story of a Chinese gunslinger searching for his wife[...]
BOOM! Studios Road To San Diego #4: Big Trouble In Little China
The series will be written by Greg Pak, with art by Daniel Bayliss. Here's what BOOM! has to say: "That's right: Jack Burton meets Snake Plissken in the most unlikeliest of team-ups that will shake the pillars of heaven! …the six-issue limited series is the first time two John Carpenter creations have crossed over in any format,[...]
Greg Pak Talks Wonder Girl And Teen Titans
Greg Pak talks over Teen Titans starting with issue #17 and the story will focus on who is Wonder Girl In a video interview with DC All-Access, Pak talks about Cassandra Sandsmark and how the new storyline will focus on who she really is, her past and eventually meeting up with Wonder Woman Meanwhile the[...]
Greg Pak On Leaving Action Comics With #50
For April, Action Comics #51 was solicited as written by Peter Tomasi, as part of an eight part story across four titles for two months, Superman, Action Comics, Batman/Superman and Superman/Wonder Woman. But now, after the DC Rebirth stories that Bleeding Cool has run today, it looks more like a chance to clean house, and for Peter[...]
Gene Yang Talks Superman #48 And The Idea Of Kryptonite Chemotherapy
Yang explains where this unique idea came from, why a powerless Superman still matters, and what it's like collaborating so closely with his fellow Superman writer Greg Pak. [youtube][/youtube] Writer Gene Yang talked with DC All Access host Tiffany A Smith about Superman #48 Superman has lost his powers and the idea that the only thing[...]
Let's See That Frank Cho Hulk Preview In The Original Black And Whites
There ran a fun looking preview of Greg Pak and Frank Cho's upcoming Totally Awesome Hulk the other day. Well here's a look at those self same pages from Frank Cho's B&W originals…. There ran a fun looking preview of Greg Pak and Frank Cho's upcoming Totally Awesome Hulk the other day. Well here's a[...]