guy fawkes Archives

Martin can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: TWS S01E11 JFK ( Brits Are Getting Gruesome Context For Guy Fawkes Night From BBC's Gunpowder can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: TWSSO1E11 GUNPOWDER ( Secret Handshake Between 2 Middle-Aged Men Was Highlight Of WWE TLC can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: TWSS01E11 BALOR ( MGM Developing Hunter[...]
kit harington
This will be a departure from the usual take on the events of November 5th (remember remember) 1605, as usually we hear all about Guy Fawkes. The mini-series will be hitting BBC sometime in the fall, and today they released their first teaser Knowing their audiences as they do, having Kit on board, they released this[...]
Could Occupy Comics Face The Wrath Of Warner Bros Lawyers?
This is the cover to the Occupy Comics trade paperback, featuring the V For Vendetta version of the Guy Fawkes mask which has been appropriated by Anonymous, Occupy and the Arab Spring movements. It hadn't appeared on the covers of the issues, though used inside Because while one could be considered comment and fair use, putting[...]
Bahrain Bans The V For Vendetta Mask
Here's the translated decree from the Bahrain government. The Minister of Industry and Commerce: After looking at Law number 35 of the year 2012 concerning the protection of consumers, and more closely at article 16 of the law; And building upon the request of the Ministry of Interior; And taking into account the public's safety; And building on the suggestion[...]
Dubai Bans V For Vendetta Mask
The Guy Fawkes mask was a traditional British item, often used to create Guy Fawkes effigies for kids to beg for money with, and to be burnt on bonfires They faded from use, so that when David Lloyd was researching V For Vendetta, he couldn't find a Guy Fawkes mask to use as reference, so[...]
And Finally… Polish Politicians Go V For Vendetta
It cannot be too firmly stressed that Guy Fawkes was a religious terrorist who tried to blow up the Houses Of Parliament Just saying. Anyway, the Polish Government's vote to sign the controversial copyright legistaltion Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, amid wide protests, caused a number of Polish politicians to take to the benches in V For Vendetta[...]