judge dredd Archives

Judge Dredd On Litter Patrol
There have been stories about one firm of litter patrol officers contracting out to British councils being rather zealous in their handing out of fines, including dropped orange peel that decomposes, or throwing bread to the ducks. The powers these private contractors have to enact such on the spot fines have proved rather controversial, with descriptions[...]
Judge Dredd Beats A Citizen To Death For Talking Back, In The New 2000AD
It's not like Judge Dredd is known for sensitive policing policy He's never been on a course for race relations, sexual awareness or cultural empathy But there are certain lines of police brutality he's never been known to cross. But, with such events back in the headlines, it seems that this is the right time[...]
Simon Bisley Returns To Judge Dredd For A Christmas Cover
Ho Ho Ho. Looks like Judge Dredd is making a bid to be the next Magnus Robot Fighter, in this Diamond UK retailer variant cover for 2000AD's Christmas issue, Prog 1961 Or he's just blowing up your Christmas presents No one gets a BB-8 this year. By Simon Bisley, he is returning for this cover, to the[...]
Finally 2000AD's Cursed Earth Gets Reprinted Uncensored
At the time it was biting satire for a kids comic.   But that satire came too close to the liking of certain multinational conglomerate fast food chains.   And so ever since those pages were removed or censored in subsequent reprints. Until now. With Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth Uncensored out in July 2016 Pre-orders here… [...]
Barry Kitson Returns For A Judge Dredd Mega-Nificent 25 Years
Next week's Judge Dredd Megazine celebrates its 25th anniversary with a special cover by Barry Kitson. The cover features 25 of Dredd's all-time greatest villains, including: Kraken, Judge Death, Judge Fear, Call-Me-Kenneth, Judge Mortis, Mean Machine Angel, Trapper Hag, Fink Angel, The Judge Child, Stan Lee, Chief Judge Cal, Judge Fire, Captain Skank, Sabbat the Necromancer,[...]
Gosh Comics And Brian Bolland Create 'Gaze Into The Fist Of Dredd' Print
Appearing in 2000AD #227 during the Judge Death Lives storyline, this Brian Bolland image of Judge Dredd has been used over and over and over, over the years. Now Gosh Comics in London, 2000AD in Oxford and Brian Bolland in the nethersphere have created the following signed print Limited to 200 copies and signed by Brian Bolland,[...]
Francesco Francavilla Draws Archie For Judge Dredd #1
Eight different IDW titles will feature variant Archie tribute covers, many of which are illustrated by fan-favorite Archie artists. And here is your exclusive look at the Judge Dredd: Mega-City Zero #1 cover by Francesco Francavilla.  For a look at all the special IDW December releases featuring the commemorative IDW/Archie Comics mash-up covers, visit www.idwpublishing.com. [...]
Here Comes Judge Dredd #1, With Mega City Zero #1, For December
Here's Paul Hanley's New York nod-filled retailer-incentive cover for their new Judge Dredd #1 IDW announced the series at Comic Con, but here's the official solicit, unseen elsewhere, featuring Mega-City Zero as our more familiar Mega City is sent back in time, courtesy of Ulises Fariñas, Erick Freitas and Dan McDaid[...]
Lying In The Gutters – 16th August 2015 – Pants-Wetting Story
Paul Grist's art from this week's Judge Dredd Megazine #363 With comics by Rennie/Ezquerra, Moore/Reppion/Foster, Abnett/Winslade and Paul…. So what else have you been reading this week on Bleeding Cool? Top Twenty Traffic Of The Week 1. Marvel Moves Up Home Release Of Avengers: Age Of Ultron 2. A Walmart Breaks Embargo For Star Wars: The Force Awakens Toys 3. Whatever Happened To… The 1988[...]
Legendary Carlos Ezquerra Awarded Comic-Con Inkpot Achievement in Comics Arts
After the presentation, PR & Marketing for 2000AD's Michael Molcher provided a brief introduction to Spanish artist Ezquerra, who is probably most known for his visual work on Judge Dredd and Johnny Alpha from Strontium Dog. Ezquerra stated that as a boy, he did not have all the modern devices and games to entertain himself on[...]
SDCC '15: 2000AD's Carlos Ezquerra, Andy Diggle And Jock Talk Shop About Judge Dredd
He was joined by Carlos Ezquerra, co-creator of the series Judge Dredd, Andy Diggle, writer and former editor of 2000AD and the artist Jock. Molcher led off the hour with some announcements: Dreams of Deadworld, Kek-W and Dave Kindall, will premiere this September; Dan Abnett and I.N.J Culbard are working on a new series titled Brink[...]
Of Course SHIELD Are The Bad Guys, You've Only Just Realised?
X-Men for a reason. But if you are troubled by the actions of SHIELD at the end of the second season – where were you for the rest of the MCU? There have been similar arguments about the likes of Judge Dredd and The Authority, the creators of whom had stated that they were the bad guys,[...]
Preview This Week's 2000AD – Judge Dredd, Terror Tales, Slaine, Grey Area, Strontium Dog
You can find the digital version of the comic conveniently located on the  2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD iPad app, and the 2000 AD Android app. This week's Prog contains: Judge Dredd: Breaking Bud by John Wagner and Richard Elson Terror Tales: Phase Shift by CB Harvey and David Hitchcock Sláine: Primordial by Pat Mills and Simon Davis Grey Area: Another Day On[...]
Preview This Week's 2000AD – Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, Orlok, Grey Area, Slaine
Did you also remember to pick up your Free Comic Book Day issue of 2000AD last week? Hope so. This week's issue contains: Judge Dredd:Breaking Bud by John Wagner and Richard Elson Sláine: Primordial by Pat Mills and Simon Davis Grey Area: Another Day On The Job by Dan Abnett and Mark Harrison Orlok, Agent of East-Meg One: The Rasputin[...]
2000AD Rips Stories Straight From The Headlines – FCBD Spoilers
In July last year, this got a new twist as the media noticed something about one such construction in New York that threatened to spread its influence. A furious row erupted in New York earlier this month when the city council approved a proposal by one of the largest real estate developers in the city to build[...]
Preview This Week's 2000AD – Judge Dredd, Slaine, Grey Area, Orlok, Strontium Dog
Prog 1927 arrives this week from 2000AD, appearing on Wednesday, April 22nd on shelves in the UK, on May 22nd in print in the USA, and digitally worldwide on Wednesday via the 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD iPad app, and the 2000 AD Android app. Prog 1927 contains: Judge Dredd Enceladus: New Life by Rob Williams and Henry Flint Sláine: Primordial by[...]
Jump On Board With This Week's 2000AD
Prog 1924 will be arriving in print in the UK on Wednesday, April 1st, in print in the USA May 1st, and available digitally worldwide on the 1st of April through digital platforms like the 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD iPad app, and the 2000 AD Android app. Prog 1924 contains: Judge Dredd Enceladus: New Life by Rob Williams and Henry Flint Sláine:[...]
Preview This Week's 2000AD – Judge Dredd, Survival Gerks, Savage: Grinders, Bob Byrne's Twisted Tales, Tharg's 3rillers
It will be available digitally worldwide on the 25th of March, however, through digital platforms like the 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD iPad app, and the 2000 AD Android app. Prog 1923 contains: Judge Dredd: Dark Justice by John Wagner & Greg Staples Survival Geeks: Steampunk'd by Gordon Rennie, Emma Beeby & Neil Googe Savage: Grinders by Pat Mills & Patrick Goddard Bob Byrne's[...]
Judge Dredd Turns 38 – 2000 AD Celebrates With A Thrill-Cast Podcast
By Michele Brittany, West Coast Bleeding Cool Correspondent My initial foray into the world of Judge Joseph Dredd was with a little movie called Judge Dredd (1995, Danny Cannon) starring Sylvester Stallone, Rob Schneider and Armand Assante As far as I can remember, I was not all that impressed and quickly forgot all about Mega-City One. Many[...]
Swipe File: Tony Moore's Judge Dredd And eBay
  The original sketch is being sold by spartacus-is-cool on eBay… Though it does bear a similarity to this original Judge Dredd commission by Walking Dead co-creator Tony Moore… In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other to some degree They may be homages, parodies, ironic appropriations, coincidences or works of the lightbox[...]