justina ireland Archives

Just One Page From... Amazing Spider-Man #68 (Spoilers)
Amazing Spider-Man #68 by Justina Ireland and Andrea Broccardo, is published this coming Wednesday, coming to the end of the Eight Deaths Of Spider-Man saga, which has seen Doctor Doom delegate his responsibilities as Sorcerer Supreme to save the Earth every year through repeatedly dying, to Spider-Man, who is more used to that sort of[...]
Star Wars Enters the High Republic Era With New Books, Comics
Other novels and young adult books by people like Claudia Gray and Justina Ireland will also be coming. Check out the trailer and covers and such below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCat5fXRyyU&feature=emb_logoVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Star Wars: The High Republic | Announcement Trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCat5fXRyyU&feature=emb_logo) Star Wars: The High Republic, which has previously been referred to as "Project Luminous",[...]
Star Wars Celebration Writers Chicago
Justina Ireland's book Lando's Luck is a fun adventure with a young Lando and L3-37, and From a Certain Point of View author Zoraida Cordova will also be on hand Safe bet she will discuss the Tonnika Sisters with you. All-ages material is always on hand in droves as well After all, Star Wars Celebration is[...]