The series stars Mekai Curtis as the young Kanan Stark, Patina Miller as Kanan's mother Raquel "Raq" Thomas, Omar Epps as Detective Malcolm Howard, London Brown as Marvin Thomas, Malcolm Mays as Louis "Lou-Lou" Thomas, Shanley Caswell as Detective Shannon Burke, and Lovie Simone as Davina Harrison In addition, Toby Sandeman as Symphony Bosket, Joey Bada$$[...]
kanan stark Archives
But as the future of the "Power" universe presses the pause button (for now), the past is ready to take front-and-center in Summer 2021 with Power Book III: Raising Kanan– and now viewers are getting a first look at what they can expect.
(Image: STARZ Entertainment)
In the following teaser, viewers are transported back to '90s Southside[...]