Now you may not want to shell out a couple hundred dollars for a 12" inch figure to sit on your shelf… but if someone just gave you one?
Now, to have a chance to win a Luke Skywalker: Rogue Group Snowspeeder Pilot figure, you need to click the link below, give your name, an email[...]
Luke Skywalker Archives
... I will be able to talk about it in seven-and-a-half hours time. See you then.
The upcoming episode of Star Wars Rebels, Path Of The Jedi, features the first appearance of Yoda... it also features a scene reminiscent of the "test"
This is the home of the rebellion and the government is squabbling over how to respond to the Empire until we meet General Luke Skywalker His entrance is reminiscent of when we finally meet the President in the pilot episode of West Wing He has a commanding presence that is obvious in Mayhew's art and[...]