marvel's spider-man Archives

Marvel's Spider-Man Seems To Take Inspiration From DC Games
We ran the new gameplay trailer reveal for the Insomniac Games PS4 exclusive Marvel's Spider-Man game, coming out of E3 In case you hadn't seen it yet, here it is again! can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4) 2017 E3 Gameplay ( So, what can we gather from this new trailer? Well, firstly, there[...]
Get Your First Look At Disney XD's Rebooted "Marvel's Spider-Man" Cartoon
Marvel's Spider-Man will debut sometime in the coming months on Disney XD, replacing the previous Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon and featuring a 15-year-old Peter Parker and probably a retelling of his origin story The show's description, from IMDb: An insecure but courageous and intelligent teen named Peter Parker, a new student of Horizon High, is bitten by a[...]